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#1 12-11-2010 17:49:23

Elf King
Inscription : 16-10-2010
Messages : 31

Armor bug?

Whenever Hares the Runic is equipped with a shield and I play runic armor, the shield drops off. I have seen other players with runic armor and a shield, so I think this is a bug of some kind.

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#2 12-11-2010 18:12:09

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Armor bug?

I think they count a shield as armor, so one has to be discarded.  Never found out if its a bug or intentional.


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#3 12-11-2010 18:25:09

Elf King
Inscription : 16-10-2010
Messages : 31

Re : Armor bug?

steven_allen a écrit :

I think they count a shield as armor, so one has to be discarded.  Never found out if its a bug or intentional.

I have seen other players equip runic armor and the gauntlet both at the same time, so a shield should be possible with runic armor, right?

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#4 12-11-2010 19:11:09

Lieu : Parcourant les terres de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2009
Messages : 5 231

Re : Armor bug?

steven_allen a écrit :

I think they count a shield as armor, so one has to be discarded.  Never found out if its a bug or intentional.

They do count a shield as an armor. So you're right one has to be discarded.

Elf King a écrit :

I have seen other players equip runic armor and the gauntlet both at the same time, so a shield should be possible with runic armor, right?

If they do the first item played is normally discarded at the end of the turn when the second one is activated. If not, now it's a bug.

Dernière modification par JarodG64 (12-11-2010 19:11:27)

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#5 13-11-2010 04:27:18

Elf King
Inscription : 16-10-2010
Messages : 31

Re : Armor bug?

JarodG64 a écrit :
steven_allen a écrit :

I think they count a shield as armor, so one has to be discarded.  Never found out if its a bug or intentional.

They do count a shield as an armor. So you're right one has to be discarded.

Elf King a écrit :

I have seen other players equip runic armor and the gauntlet both at the same time, so a shield should be possible with runic armor, right?

If they do the first item played is normally discarded at the end of the turn when the second one is activated. If not, now it's a bug.

I'm having a hard time understanding why shields cannot be dual wielded with runic armor or Tracker masks ( or even runic armor, shield, & tracker mask). Can someone explain this to me, because the logic is really breaking down here.

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#6 13-11-2010 05:39:11

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Armor bug?

Its because theyre all classified as armor, and the game only allows one armor to be equipped at a time.  The question is, was this intended?  Or did it just happen that was because of the way armor was coded.  The world may never know.


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#7 23-01-2011 18:48:22

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 23-01-2011
Messages : 1

Re : Armor bug?


this happens the same way to me when I try to equip "Runic Gauntlet" to Xin, already equiped with "Runic Armor", and vice-versa.
I can't really believe that's some sort of restriction of the game system, because "Runic Gauntlet" is an ARMOR SHIELD, whereas "Runic Armor" is only ARMOR. Any other ARMOR and SHIELD function simultaneously, why not this combination, specifically, too??? Simply don't make sense to not equip the two at the same time.

The admin can certifcate this to me too?

Thanks for the attention,


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#8 23-01-2011 19:06:00

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Armor bug?

Are you sure other armor works with shields?  I'd like to see you test that and post a screenshot, because I'm almost certain that is false.


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