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#1 19-01-2011 01:48:25

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 11-01-2011
Messages : 2

Deck Help and Ideas

Alright, I'm fairly new to Eredan. Just started roughly a month ago. So anyways, I have a few questions about the deck I'm running right now:

[card]Kararine[/card] Lvl 3 (Eclipse)
[card]Djamena[/card] Lvl 3
[card]Iolmarek[/card] Lvl 3 (Eclipse)

[card]Armed and Ready[/card] x2
[card]Under the Sun[/card] x3
[card]Assassination[/card] x1
[card]Fallback[/card] x1
[card]Obesity[/card] x2
[card]Sacred Nova[/card] x3
[card]Smart Ass[/card] x2
[card]Solar's Anger[/card] x2
[card]Solaris[/card] x3
[card]Time to Die[/card] x1

First off, what cards shouldn't be in here? I was considering taking [card]Fallback[/card] out because, while the +4 Defense is nice, I'm thinking having another Attack bonus with chain might be a better fit.

Next, I'm thinking about taking a [card]Sacred Nova[/card] out. Yeah they're pretty good, even with the chances of it failing, and it's an even better when chained with [card]Solar's Anger[/card], but it sometimes feels like 3 is a little excessive. Thoughts?

I want to stick with [card]Under the Sun[/card] because all 3 of my characters can use it, and it is a huge bonus if I get to use it in the first 2 turns, regardless of who I use it with.

Lastly, I'm not sure how good of a fit [card]Time to Die[/card] is. Yeah, it's pretty sweet to chain with Assassination, but by the time I have both of those in my hand, either [card]Djamena[/card] is already a Warrior because of [card]Solar's Anger[/card] or [card]Kararine[/card] is already dead. I'm just not sure what else would fit in with this deck.

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#2 19-01-2011 02:50:09

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 12-12-2010
Messages : 13

Re : Deck Help and Ideas

Fallback will save you against the mulit-attack sap hearts [card]Melissandre[/card] and [card]Ydiane[/card]. A must for a Nomad deck to be competitive

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#3 19-01-2011 03:33:36

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 273

Re : Deck Help and Ideas

Cards you can get rid of:

1 Obesity - Fighting a Mage deck, Priest deck, most Kotoba decks this card won't be of much help.  Having two of a counter card when you are dependent on killing fast/doing a lot of damage for Solaris is a waste.

1(At least) Under the sun - Fighting a Mage or Crow deck these might get you killed, fighting a Zil deck their little bit of defense will be moot.  Also Solaris drops their defense.  Their not helping a ton.

Armed and Ready - Yea, not a bad card, but Eclipse isn't a defensive turtle deck.  If you want defense that doesn't chain, throw in armor and Solaris next turn.  Or at least something more that chains.

Cards you can add:
Another assassination
Some equipment such as Guardian Spear, Preforator, Living Dagger(and upgrades), hell you could probably get away with a Cursed Big Blade and Cursed Glove.
You can also try having a Expiation and a Divine Light, grabbing one of their characters with high spirit like The Shadow or their caster mage and getting a big nasty AOE heal.  Evil combo with Solaris to keep your guys maxed on HP.

Dernière modification par Dracatis (19-01-2011 03:34:50)

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#4 20-01-2011 05:53:38

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 12-12-2010
Messages : 13

Re : Deck Help and Ideas

Dont drop your Obesity, in fact i would add another. [card]Obesity[/card] / [card]Solaris[/card] is the best Nomad combo out there

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#5 20-01-2011 11:33:30

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Deck Help and Ideas

LiQuiD a écrit :

Dont drop your Obesity, in fact i would add another. [card]Obesity[/card] / [card]Solaris[/card] is the best Nomad combo out there

Agreed. Obesity also counters key action cards like Time To Die, IHAS, etc. or even making sure your Solaris hits by countering opposition's Obesity.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#6 20-01-2011 16:03:48

Inscription : 16-11-2010
Messages : 56

Re : Deck Help and Ideas

Dracatis a écrit :

Cards you can add:
Some equipment such as Guardian Spear, Perforator, Living Dagger(and upgrades), hell you could probably get away with a Cursed Big Blade and Cursed Glove.

I disagree strongly here. I feel equips like this slow the deck down a lot. Eclipse is about speed. i'd also say drop the time to die if you can't get another assassination.

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#7 20-01-2011 18:08:12

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 06-10-2010
Messages : 219

Re : Deck Help and Ideas

I've found that Coordinated Attack is a decent stand in for one assassination.  I wouldn't run more than 1 or maybe 2, since it maxes out on turns 1 and 4.  But with Time to Die, can still effectively give you a +6 Attack.

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