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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
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If your interested in being a part of the best team ever. Please leave a message here and ill look into it . My Limit is 15 max so far positions have been filled so hurry and try to prove your stuff!
"Gona Burn Some Muscle"
Also you can find me in the chat located here http://xat.com/EredanUnite.
There a "team on there named JMT" which everyone is allowed to join!!!
So Far are members are
{Ssj3} Richard Taylor
{Ssj3} Axelandro
{Ssj3} Stallion1990
{Ssj3} Grunt
{Ssj3} Havek
If your interested just do the following:
Post your in game name:
Your main deck:
Your goals for joining are awesomeness:
And finally why you deserve to be in the clan:
Have a good day and good GAMES!!!
Dernière modification par Yugimonz (04-02-2011 04:58:19)
http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r9/s … ated98.gif
Richard_Taylor Team (JMT) Join: http://xat.com/EredanUnite everyone is welcome
Hors ligne
IGN: Breezy414
Main Deck: I use 5 different decks but I wont to use crafts the most.
My goals of Awesomeness: I wont to join your clan because I am pretty awesome and deserve to be known as "King Awesome"
Why I deserve to be in the clan: I wont to be part of your clan because I am a great player. I'm very knowledgeable in the game. I also wont to be part of a cool group of awesome players!
Also, I have achieved an SSJ level of 14 and have 18 strength points.. Also, my Power Level is OVER 9000!!!! I am currently in battle with Majin Buu so please forgive me if I don't respond in a timely fashion.
Dernière modification par Breezy414 (15-01-2011 22:52:06)
.: I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar :.
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Majin Buuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Hors ligne
IGN: Breezy414
Main Deck: I use 5 different decks but I wont to use crafts the most.
My goals of Awesomeness: I wont to join your clan because I am pretty awesome and deserve to be known as "King Awesome"
Why I deserve to be in the clan: I wont to be part of your clan because I am a great player. I'm very knowledgeable in the game. I also wont to be part of a cool group of awesome players!
Also, I have achieved an SSJ level of 14 and have 18 strength points.. Also, my Power Level is OVER 9000!!!! I am currently in battle with Majin Buu so please forgive me if I don't respond in a timely fashion.
Denied you suck to much to be accepted sorry mabe next time kid.
http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r9/s … ated98.gif
Richard_Taylor Team (JMT) Join: http://xat.com/EredanUnite everyone is welcome
Hors ligne
Hear that wooshing sound? That is the point of sarcasm flying cleanly over your head
Hors ligne
Hear that wooshing sound? That is the point of sarcasm flying cleanly over your head
I know it was
I gave him sarcasm back
http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r9/s … ated98.gif
Richard_Taylor Team (JMT) Join: http://xat.com/EredanUnite everyone is welcome
Hors ligne
Sarcasm usually is witty and clever, but Ill give you points for keeping it simple. Now if you'll excuse me Ima go burn some muscle
Dernière modification par Warhound90 (16-01-2011 04:44:27)
Hors ligne
Sarcasm usually is witty and clever, but Ill give you points for keeping it simple. Now if you'll excuse me Ima go burn some muscle
Make sure too use down forawrd down forward Medium Punch And High Punch
"that is Ryus special"
Dernière modification par Yugimonz (16-01-2011 04:46:49)
http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r9/s … ated98.gif
Richard_Taylor Team (JMT) Join: http://xat.com/EredanUnite everyone is welcome
Hors ligne
hey i cant be part of this clan im sorry
i cant just ditch glasher
so i was wondering if i could perhaps be allowed to be let go from the clan haha
and rejoin glasher like i originally should have
Hors ligne
so i was wondering if i could perhaps be allowed to be let go from the clan haha
They cannot force you to stay. xD
The first. The best. MSN.
Visit our guild's thread here and join up!
Also check this out: An English chat room!
Hors ligne
hey i cant be part of this clan im sorry
i cant just ditch glasher
so i was wondering if i could perhaps be allowed to be let go from the clan haha
and rejoin glasher like i originally should have
sure like we talked about that is fine no problem
http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r9/s … ated98.gif
Richard_Taylor Team (JMT) Join: http://xat.com/EredanUnite everyone is welcome
Hors ligne
Hors ligne
So are the other clans scared of us or what ?
Dernière modification par Yugimonz (19-01-2011 01:29:59)
http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r9/s … ated98.gif
Richard_Taylor Team (JMT) Join: http://xat.com/EredanUnite everyone is welcome
Hors ligne
ya Thanks guys
but i still would like to enjoy the game with you guys as well
Hors ligne
no problem your always welcome to join us
http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r9/s … ated98.gif
Richard_Taylor Team (JMT) Join: http://xat.com/EredanUnite everyone is welcome
Hors ligne
THANKS give you guys the best of luck in achieving greatness haha
and hope that we can still work together sometimes
Hors ligne
is there a specific lvl that i need to be at or something like that
Hors ligne
is there a specific lvl that i need to be at or something like that
Nope my friend all you need to do is beat me best 2-3
http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r9/s … ated98.gif
Richard_Taylor Team (JMT) Join: http://xat.com/EredanUnite everyone is welcome
Hors ligne
hmmm... maybe i should join the one with less people
So hey, my in game name is Aaron_Stanley. My main deck is a Hom'Chai Sap Heart deck regvolved around items have a soul. I'm a level 12 at the moment. Goals: idk theres always winning more which i have been doing lately. To get more crystals to buy another deck. To be a better person. To stop eating junk food. To go to gym more. To get a raise. blah blah blah lol :P:cool: Oh yes finnaly why do i think i should be in this clan well first off why not say the obvious i will attempt to win in challanges. I have a i would say amazing deck but i know it has some weaknesses. I am a relitively active person so if you need help or we enter a challange i should be here and be one of the first to jump on it.
now i will wait in fear :o:o:o:o:o:o:o
Dernière modification par aarorocks994 (16-03-2011 00:51:45)
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