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#1 19-12-2010 14:57:40

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-12-2010
Messages : 8

Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

So with my pocket slowly increasing latly i'm wondering if this will work:

Eglantyne, Moira(no fused form) and Anazra


3 Dragon Armors
3 witchblades
3 ice coffin
3 ice barrier
3 ice shield
3 sword of light
2 best defense/magic attack

Damage obviously coming here trough the witchblades and counter-dmg from the ice shields. Possible vulnerability: Tempus/Sap Heart/Decks i've not seen so far because i'm newb.


Eglantyne and Moira (Fused) Anazra and Zahal (guemlit dragon form)


3 Dragon Armors
3 witchblades
3 ice coffin
3 ice barrier
3 ice shield
3 sword of light
2 magic attack/best defense

Damage coming trough witchblades, additional defense for the lower armors from Zahal tho more physical dmg capability because of moira and eglantyne being fused. negatives: Zahal not able to chain much,sword of light only chaining on moira and eglantyne. Possible vulnerability: Tempus/Sap Heart/Decks i've not seen so far because i'm newb.

Any suggestions?

Dernière modification par Redtbeard (19-12-2010 14:58:32)

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#2 20-12-2010 05:30:46

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I sort of prefer the fused version of Moira and Eglantyne because it gives you a free character slot. It's a toss-up between Zahal and Bomzar for the third character slot too. In your deck I think Zahal would work better.

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#3 20-12-2010 05:32:33

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I suggest you go with the second set up (it works for me wink ) because the first set up will fail if Eglayntne or Moira dies; the second one fails if Zahal die but Zahal is very hard to kill with a few Crystal Shelfs on him.

Also your deck:
3 Dragon Armor
3 Blade of the Witch
3 Ice Coffin
3 Ice Barrier
3 Magic Attack
3 Crystal Shelf
2 Unleash Hell

Dernière modification par goscar (20-12-2010 05:33:15)

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#4 20-12-2010 07:05:07

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 06-10-2010
Messages : 219

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I like 3 living dagger in the deck too, since it can be dual wielded with blade, and when you use the spell that reactivates everything on the character, you heal an additional 2 health

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#5 20-12-2010 07:16:24

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

Life dagger series would work in the deck.

Dernière modification par goscar (20-12-2010 07:24:35)

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#6 20-12-2010 07:54:53

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

As a follow-up, I think the fused version is better because there is a sensational drop in effectiveness when one of the two witch sisters dies. Whereas, if you play with the fused version, the third character will still be in tiptop shape if and when the sisters bite it.

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#7 20-12-2010 11:09:30

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-12-2010
Messages : 8

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

can't blade of the witch be dual-wielded?

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#8 20-12-2010 13:28:38

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 6

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I'm runing a wichblade right now, but i can't afford expensive cards, sugestion??

Eglantyne (lv2), Moira (lv 2) Anazra (lv 3)

Than the sword x3
Weapon dance x3
Ice shield x3
Magic attack x3
Smart Ass x2
Esmerald sword x2
Armed and ready x1
The ungry void x1
Assassination x1
Fire ball x1

I want to buy some more assassination and buy Helene atlv 15 (and fusion moira and Eglantyne)

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#9 21-12-2010 12:24:35

Inscription : 21-12-2010
Messages : 36

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I've been running a witchblade deck, and have been extremely successful so far, (just got the title for 25 consecutive wins).  My current version is as follows:

Moira (Lvl 2) Mage/Warrior/Witchblade 
  2 Spirit/4,8 Attack/2 Defense/13 Health
  +2 Defense if Eglantyne is in play/Turn 3+5 Defense +1
Eglantyne (Lvl 2) Mage/Marauder/Witchblade
  1 Spirit/5,8 Attack/2 Defense/12 Health
  +1 Attack vs. Warrior/ +2 Defense if Moira is in play/Turn 2+6 Defense +1   
Anazra (Lvl 4) Mage/Marauder/Witchblade
  2 Spirit/6,9 Attack/2 Defense/14 Health
  +1 Attack vs. Marauder/Other Witchblades have attack +1/Other witchblades chain on Light Spells/Turns 1,4+7 Defense +1

Ice Shield x3
Ice Coffin x3
Guardian's Benediction x3
Blade of the Witch x3
Sword of Light x2
Rain of Death x2
Than the Sword x2
Lightning Bolts (Lvl 2) x2

I had Dragon's Armor in there for awhile, but found that it slowed me down more then anything.  The tactic behind this deck is always chaining.  Guardian's Benediction raises spirit and defense by 1 each, and starts a chain.  It is a great opener for either Rain of Death, Lightning Bolts or Than the sword.  Second round and need a heal?  Open with Sword of Light, which gives you Spirit and Attack +1, heals you for 2, and if played off of Moira or Eglantyne, opens a chain, (due to Anazra's ability).  Blade of the Witch is in there for the +1 attack, which increases for each blade in play, and the 4 magic damage it gives upon activation... which is where ice coffin comes in.  Try to hold off on ice coffin until you can make use of it's secondary ability to reactivate the Blade.  So you play an ice coffin, chain it into a Rain of death, and the opponent in one round takes 4 from the Blade, x+3 to x+7 from Rain, plus whatever your attack is at, and you also gain 1 defense from it.  Combo's nicely.

Dernière modification par Okugi (21-12-2010 12:26:35)

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#10 21-12-2010 21:56:41

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 6

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

Today I decide to try some changes, and for now it's ok, I don't know is paladin's hammer is a good option, or what can i remove for put it on.

Eglantyne (lv2), Moira (lv 2) Anazra (lv 3)

Weapon dance x2
Ice shield x3
Magic attack x3
Smart Ass x2
Esmerald sword x2
The ungry void x1
Assassination x1
Dragon's Wits x3
Solar's Anger x3

I take out "than the sword" (without the combo, usually give +2 atk, and 1 fire ball, 1 armed and ready, and 1 weapon dance) I still want to put on Helena at lv 15 and fusion the sister. (maybe remove some magic and add some marauder cards)

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#11 26-12-2010 18:15:52

Ergonomic Cat
Inscription : 12-12-2010
Messages : 21

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I'm a big fan of "I hate brawlers" in my Witchblade deck.

I didn't like the fused, as it's not as good as either individually.  A fused/ana/caster deck isn't bad, but I don't like the style.

My deck atm:


3x Blade of the Witch
2x Fireball
1x Freeze
3x I hate Brawlers
1x Ice Shield
2x Magic Attack
1x Sword of Light
2x Pen is..
2x Than the sword
3x Unleash Hell.

Generally my plan is to use the Blades to chain on the marauders, then follow with I Hate Brawlers, or an attack spell, or an Ice Shield.  After round 1, whenever I get Unleash Hell I use it, unless my opponent has high spirit - typically Blade of the Witch + a good attack leaves opponents at somewhere around 3-5 health, which most people don't mind.  Until the Hells come out.  After one foe is dead, if the second has <4 health, I still use Hell, otherwise I just focus on defense and the occasional extra attack. 

It's not a top tier deck, but so far, it's gotten a lot of perfects in the sub 11 range.  Beyond that, it's a lot of fun, and has a ton of choices, which is the key to me liking it.

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#12 26-12-2010 20:20:55

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-12-2010
Messages : 8

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

Okugi a écrit :


Ice Shield x3
Ice Coffin x3
Guardian's Benediction x3
Blade of the Witch x3
Sword of Light x2
Rain of Death x2
Than the Sword x2
Lightning Bolts (Lvl 2) x2


Hey Okugi,

Sounds Pretty nice, but even if you have the feeling that dragon armor is slowing you down, try following for me: Remove 1 Guardian's and 1 Ice Shield , add 2 Dragon Armors and exchange one Than the Sword for The best Defense.

BTW. What do you think about mixing this stuff up when lvl 15, adding helena and mix in some assasinations+time do die, ambushs and remove. Moira and Eglantyne fused ofc then.

also btw. today i stopped a level 17 guy in a perfect with the sap heart multiple attack/split damage deck.

Dernière modification par Redtbeard (26-12-2010 20:24:17)

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#13 26-12-2010 22:55:47

Inscription : 21-12-2010
Messages : 36

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

BTW. What do you think about mixing this stuff up when lvl 15, adding helena and mix in some assasinations+time do die, ambushs and remove. Moira and Eglantyne fused ofc then.

My only problem with doing that is the deck then has to be completely scratched and rebuilt as a marauder deck.  I'd be tempted to say take out all spells at that point just to avoid dead rounds with Helena.  I was looking at Helena, Bomzar (lvl 3), and Moira/Egl fusion as a deck to be built around helena.  Of course, bomzar is a mage/warrior not a marauder, but that can be worked around.

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#14 28-12-2010 20:41:29

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 6

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I sold my hungry void and get a lot of crystal for re think my deck

now i'm ussing

ice mirrow x3 (very nice again zap and kotoba)
blade of the wich x3 (excelent for chain and MGD)
rain of death x2 (excelent MGD more with Sword of Light)
sword of light x3 (heal, pump and chain, even wihout chain is usefull)
assessination x2 (nice card and i'm saving for live dagger)
draconic armor x2 (work for now, it's out for the 2 dagger)
unleash hell x2 (nice for turn 3 and 6, a lot)
magic attack x3 (bye bye kotoba and hi armor guys)

Dernière modification par artea13 (28-12-2010 21:26:02)

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#15 29-12-2010 07:53:35

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-11-2010
Messages : 237

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

artea13 a écrit :

I sold my hungry void and get a lot of crystal for re think my deck

now i'm ussing

ice mirrow x3 (very nice again zap and kotoba)
blade of the wich x3 (excelent for chain and MGD)
rain of death x2 (excelent MGD more with Sword of Light)
sword of light x3 (heal, pump and chain, even wihout chain is usefull)
assessination x2 (nice card and i'm saving for live dagger)
draconic armor x2 (work for now, it's out for the 2 dagger)
unleash hell x2 (nice for turn 3 and 6, a lot)
magic attack x3 (bye bye kotoba and hi armor guys)

i think it looks like a pretty solid deck and well thought out. also for magic attack implosion could also be a good alternative

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#16 07-01-2011 03:10:41

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 23-12-2010
Messages : 14

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

Okugi a écrit :

BTW. What do you think about mixing this stuff up when lvl 15, adding helena and mix in some assasinations+time do die, ambushs and remove. Moira and Eglantyne fused ofc then.

My only problem with doing that is the deck then has to be completely scratched and rebuilt as a marauder deck.  I'd be tempted to say take out all spells at that point just to avoid dead rounds with Helena.  I was looking at Helena, Bomzar (lvl 3), and Moira/Egl fusion as a deck to be built around helena.  Of course, bomzar is a mage/warrior not a marauder, but that can be worked around.

Not only do you have to completely rebuild the deck, but your turn bonuses really get screwed if you your opponent goes first.

Turn 1, they choose Eglantyne and Moira, you get nothing for the next two turns,

Turn 4, you choose Anazra
Turn 5, they choose Helena,
Turn 6, you get Eglantyne and Moira
Turn 7, repeat turns 1-3 (minus deaths of course)

So for 6 turns, you only get 2 turn bonuses before you throw in It Is Time and Thats and Order!

As for my answer to the original question, I'd go with:
Eglantyne and Moira (fused)

you have the same turn bonus problem as before but because Bomzar is a Golem-Mage-Warrior he fits in really well with the Witchblades.  He can use Blade of the Witch, cast any spell, andf still do decent physical damage.

I currently have Eglantyne and Moira, Anazra (lvl 3), and Apostle of Destiny (lvl 2) trying to get the "Dazzling" trophy and get Apostle up to level 3 so I can get Pilim to level 4... planning on switching her out with Bomzar myself once I finish.

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#17 07-01-2011 04:08:53

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

Josh a écrit :
Okugi a écrit :

BTW. What do you think about mixing this stuff up when lvl 15, adding helena and mix in some assasinations+time do die, ambushs and remove. Moira and Eglantyne fused ofc then.

My only problem with doing that is the deck then has to be completely scratched and rebuilt as a marauder deck.  I'd be tempted to say take out all spells at that point just to avoid dead rounds with Helena.  I was looking at Helena, Bomzar (lvl 3), and Moira/Egl fusion as a deck to be built around helena.  Of course, bomzar is a mage/warrior not a marauder, but that can be worked around.

Not only do you have to completely rebuild the deck, but your turn bonuses really get screwed if you your opponent goes first.

Turn 1, they choose Eglantyne and Moira, you get nothing for the next two turns,

Turn 4, you choose Anazra
Turn 5, they choose Helena,
Turn 6, you get Eglantyne and Moira
Turn 7, repeat turns 1-3 (minus deaths of course)

So for 6 turns, you only get 2 turn bonuses before you throw in It Is Time and Thats and Order!

As for my answer to the original question, I'd go with:
Eglantyne and Moira (fused)

you have the same turn bonus problem as before but because Bomzar is a Golem-Mage-Warrior he fits in really well with the Witchblades.  He can use Blade of the Witch, cast any spell, andf still do decent physical damage.

I currently have Eglantyne and Moira, Anazra (lvl 3), and Apostle of Destiny (lvl 2) trying to get the "Dazzling" trophy and get Apostle up to level 3 so I can get Pilim to level 4... planning on switching her out with Bomzar myself once I finish.

BUT, the benefits of going first is faaar to tempting. First you get a monster Helena, then the sisters get their bonus unless your opponent plays Time Leap.

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#18 07-01-2011 04:47:19

Eltee R
Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 26

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I run with Eglantyne and Moria (combined), Anazra, and Helena

3 Ice shield
3 Ice coffin
2 Dragon armors
2 Blade of the witch
2 Sword of light
2 Than the sword
2 Dragon's wit
1 Divine light
1 Magic attack
1 Revenge (trophy card)
1 Journey (trophy card)

I run with two dragon's wit so Helena can use spells, and so i can use divine light which really changes a battle... so far my record is 46-4 with this team

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#19 14-01-2011 14:03:40

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I actually have a chance to test this deck finally when I can afford Blade of the Witch. To be honest, I really liked this caste based on their versatility.

Even though the 3rd Witchblade has not appear, from my testing with both Bomzar and Zahal, Bomzar is the best addition in the 3rd slot by miles.

Having him makes the deck flows smoother since as a Golem he can use the blades as well as casting spells (not just mere Draconian Spells).

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#20 14-01-2011 15:22:34

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

Here's my current problem, I'm thinking about whether I should run 3 Magic Attacks, or 2 Magic Attacks and 2 Implosions.

Magic Attack is better if you can pump up with the Blade of the Witch, but Implosion can still do decent damage even without the Blade. Thoughts?

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#21 14-01-2011 16:11:52

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 06-10-2010
Messages : 219

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I was having the same concern with my deck between Magic Attack or Implosion.  Magic Attack is better overall, so I would include 3 of those, and if I was still having issues with high defense decks, include Implosions (which I see primarily as only better vs. Foam Golem item decks or IHAS decks).

I've also had some success running Helena as the third character and running 2 Dragon's Wit in the deck.  I find she does more damage, and then I have 3 marauders, so my deck construction gets a little more manageable.

Mine is only level 2, but I've one shotted the Shadow a couple of times when she was level 1.  Theoretically, at Level 3, she'll be able to do 9/17 on turn one, 10/18 vs. Marauders, not counting any cards played...with 2 Defense and 14 health, she should most likely survive the return attack.  Even if you do not get initiative, 8/16 is an excellent attack value to start.  I've partnered that with Smart Ass/ Assassination and also with Dragon's Wit/Magic Attack.

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#22 14-01-2011 17:19:57

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

pekpekkypek a écrit :

Here's my current problem, I'm thinking about whether I should run 3 Magic Attacks, or 2 Magic Attacks and 2 Implosions.

Magic Attack is better if you can pump up with the Blade of the Witch, but Implosion can still do decent damage even without the Blade. Thoughts?

To be honest, I find 3 Magic Attack in a multi-class deck to be too restrictive due to lack of chaining. For me, 2 is the correct number.

Another note, Implosion is just too limited to do anything decent (IMHO anyways) and it can be stopped by Spirit score ([card]The Shadow[/card] comes to mind).

In addition, always play with 3 x I Hate Brawlers. It does wonders with chaining in a multiclass deck, especially for Mage-Warriors. Witchblades are always lack of defense, and this is one of the better solutions that I have seen.

Admittedly, I have not tested with Helena. But with Bomzar, I do not need to stock up Dragon's Wit to smooth out the deck (especially Dragon's Wit does nothing on its own). I rather use chain enabler cards such as I Hate Brawlers + Fireball. This is deadly against warriors even though Bomzar's Spirit is 0. However, Helena's high attack does look tempting although I'm not sure if she can use Blade of the Witch (I guess she can through Dragon's Wit).

Ultimately, it is down to individual preference. I liked Bomzar simply because he can use other cards (except witchblade's ice spells) without resorting to Dragon's Wit. And he being a golem allows you to use Blade of the Witch on him as well.

Dernière modification par magius (14-01-2011 17:24:05)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#23 14-01-2011 17:38:48

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 06-10-2010
Messages : 219

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I had similar thoughts about Bomzar and Helena.  But What I've done is basically made it a Marauder deck with spell support.  I currently do not have any Blades of the Witch, which I do need to'll make the deck flow even better.  Because I'm not focusing on any Spirit boosting, I've avoided those spells that are dependent on Spirit.

3 Ice Shield
3 Martial Magic
1 Unleash Hell
1 Smoked Arrow

I do have issues with Unleash Hell not being chainable even with Dragon's Wit, but still testing things out.  Fireball would be better than Smoked Arrow any way you cut it, so my sole fireball will go in place of the weaker spell. 

I've tried Ice Shields, but I find the deck needs more offensive may be that I'm having more success with Helena than Bomzar simply because I don't have all the cards I need yet...

Another thought I've had...

3 Blades of the Witch
3 Living Dagger
3 Draon Armor

Then Ice Coffin will net you 4 magic damage, another check to see how many blades are in play to determine attack bonus, and heal 4 Health...but that's a further goal...the one living dagger I have has been upgraded...

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#24 14-01-2011 19:39:43

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

I have actually tried using unleash hell... and it is a painful way to play. From what I gather and test so far, Witchblades survives the best if they are able to chain such as:

1) E&M: Blade of the Witch -> Ice Coffin. Activates Blade of the Witch twice = 8 Magic damage

2) Any Witchblade: Ice Armor -> Fireball. Physical dmg + 2 life loss + Fireball dmg.

3) Any Witchblade with Dragon Armor + Blade of the Witch: Ice Coffin -> Ice Coffin. +4 Health, +8 Magic Damage, Update to Blade of the Witch Attack, Witchblade's physical attack, +2 Defense (this is insane tongue).

You know what I mean smile

Dernière modification par magius (15-01-2011 09:25:48)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#25 14-01-2011 20:56:58

Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 83

Re : Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think?

magius a écrit :

I have actually tried using unleash hell... and it is a painful way to play. From what I gather and test so far, Witchblades survives the best if they are able to chain such as:

1) E&M: Blade of the Witch -> Ice Coffin. Activates Blade of the Witch twice = 8 Magic damage
2) Any Witchblade: Ice Armor -> Fireball. Physical dmg + 2 life loss + Fireball dmg.
3) Any Witchblade with Dragon Armor + Blade of the Witch: Ice Coffin -> Ice Coffin. +4 Health, +8 Magic Damage, Update to Blade of the Witch Attack, Witchblade's physical attack, +2 Defense (this is insane tongue).

You know what I mean smile

I have a half-done WB deck, with the fused sisters, Anazra and Bomzar... And I use Unleash Hell as a "cheap shot" with Bomzar. In exceptional high-damaging first and second rounds, it could make you win. Well, just having one makes it very difficult to draw it before the 4th round...

And you´re right with the chains you mention. They´re quite nasty

Dernière modification par kornholio (14-01-2011 21:02:38)

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