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#1 07-01-2011 10:24:56

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 20-12-2010
Messages : 16

how to build full upgrade of kotoba ....

i don't know what i use for my kotoba deck can anyone help me????:(

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#2 07-01-2011 10:56:08

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 111

Re : how to build full upgrade of kotoba ....

It would help if you were more specific about the deck you want.
Do you want help building a deck that:
1. Is an improved version of what you already have?
2. Uses some specific characters you like?
3. Fits your budget?
4. Uses a certain strategy?

After you decide, give more information about cards, budget, etc.

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#3 08-01-2011 01:50:18

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 20-12-2010
Messages : 16

Re : how to build full upgrade of kotoba ....

i have :iro level 4
           asajiro lv3
           gakyusha lv2

im just don't know what im use on my deck ???

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#4 10-01-2011 04:36:11

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-11-2010
Messages : 139

Re : how to build full upgrade of kotoba ....

I used a similar set up before I switched to sap hearts, the best thing I can suggest is packing things like Randori, because its a nice card to chain off of and its got that extra umph against mages. Also 3 Blast off, because its a fantastic card and there is no reason not to have them. Throw in items too, like Short Swords and a guardian spear if you are cheap, and Emperor's Speech/ Katanas and Wakis if you have the cash to spend. Keep your guard up is a great card for decks using items, and since your charcters all chain on weapons you should be using them. Finally, I threw in Kensensei as well, because its a great little card for a late game push against a tough opponent. Thats my best advice

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