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#1 23-12-2010 09:19:55

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 10

Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!! the same thing that happened when I attempted the trophy for "Ill Omen" happened again! I was racking up my trophy points and by the time there were 7 hours left on the timer, I only needed FIVE trophy points. (giving me an entire hour to get 5 points) So I played out my five fights and (believe it or not), I just STOPPED receiving trophy points at a certain point. I tried reloading the game and my internet, but NOTHING worked!!! This is the second time this has happened to me and it's REALLY frustrating!!! On another note, I could have had the trophy LONG ago, if only it was WORDED correctly!!! It said "play 75 games" it DID NOT say they had to be against different characters! By the time I realized this mistake, I was WAY behind on the trophy... :(Pleae someone help me!

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#2 23-12-2010 10:33:00

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 03-05-2010
Messages : 299

Re : Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!!

By seeing the time of your message, it seems that you were confused because the trophy ended on 10AM French hour, wich is GMT +1. It's nearly 10:30 AM now.

The other possibility is that you kept playing against people you have already played. If you find yourself in the situation "OMG I only need 5 points but not have many time left", I encourage you to go on the English Chat to find some other people in the same need and exchange points.

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#3 23-12-2010 17:27:09

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 10

Re : Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!!

Yes...I understand this, but I know exactly what time the trophies end in my time period and I still had at least an hour left. And I know for a fact that I had not played against these opponents before. Plus, according to the wording of the trophy, ALL of my fights should have counted...right?

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#4 23-12-2010 17:43:24

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : MA, USA
Inscription : 02-12-2010
Messages : 189

Re : Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!!

I agree that due to the wording ALL fights should have counted.
On the flip side, that might have been something "lost in translation"...

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#5 23-12-2010 20:54:55

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

Re : Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!!

I agree that due to the wording ALL fights should have counted.
On the flip side, that might have been something "lost in translation"...

No, I translated exactly what the french version said and it did not mention against other characters this time. However, in the future, remember that most trophies are against other characters. You also have an english chat available if you wish to confront different challengers.


Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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#6 23-12-2010 20:57:49

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : MA, USA
Inscription : 02-12-2010
Messages : 189

Re : Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!!

dantesan a écrit :

No, I translated exactly what the french version said and it did not mention against other characters this time. However, in the future, remember that most trophies are against other characters. You also have an english chat available if you wish to confront different challengers.


I appreciate the clarification for the future.

And on a completely unrelated note, I am learning more french through this game than I learned in a semester of school.

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#7 24-12-2010 10:08:38

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 10

Re : Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!!

I appreciate the clarification, but that still doesn't help me or make up for what happened with the last trophy. I will keep in mind to automatically assume that ALL trophies must be done against different players EVEN if it does not CLEARLY or EXPLICITLY say so in te text. But you can't just expect me to accept that answer and be completly ok with it. I wasted HOURS trying to get this trophy! Had I known this in advance maybe we wouldn't be having this "conversation". Thank you for your time in reading my post, but I don't appreciate the way you come off in the tone that everyone should have assumed the trophy had to be done against different players and should have in turn went to the chat room. I mean at least an "I'm sorry for the unconvenience" or SOMETHING would be nice...smh.

dantesan a écrit :

I agree that due to the wording ALL fights should have counted.
On the flip side, that might have been something "lost in translation"...

No, I translated exactly what the french version said and it did not mention against other characters this time. However, in the future, remember that most trophies are against other characters. You also have an english chat available if you wish to confront different challengers.


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#8 24-12-2010 12:03:44

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

Re : Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!!

I was clarifying the "Lost in Translation " bit Eric.

The French players expressed themselves exactly as you did about the lack of precision regarding this event and I think you are absolutely right to do so.

Yet, it isn't my role to judge right and wrong or to agree or disagree with you.

There was no "tone" in my message and if you did feel it then I apologise. I was just being factual.

This important detail was simply forgotten. It's frustrating and annoying, I am aware of that and I checked to see if it was a translating error on my part but it simply wasn't. (for once smile)

Of course this kind of error should not be done again, we apologise for this mistake and we will try our very best to provide all the necessary information in the near future.

On that note I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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#9 27-12-2010 02:28:00

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 10

Re : Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!!

Ok. I understand. Thank you and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you as well.

dantesan a écrit :

I was clarifying the "Lost in Translation " bit Eric.

The French players expressed themselves exactly as you did about the lack of precision regarding this event and I think you are absolutely right to do so.

Yet, it isn't my role to judge right and wrong or to agree or disagree with you.

There was no "tone" in my message and if you did feel it then I apologise. I was just being factual.

This important detail was simply forgotten. It's frustrating and annoying, I am aware of that and I checked to see if it was a translating error on my part but it simply wasn't. (for once smile)

Of course this kind of error should not be done again, we apologise for this mistake and we will try our very best to provide all the necessary information in the near future.

On that note I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

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#10 27-12-2010 09:16:42

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 134

Re : Trophy Error-AGAIN!!! UNbelievable!!!

i love happy endings TwT

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