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#1 23-12-2010 19:03:18

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : MA, USA
Inscription : 02-12-2010
Messages : 189

Marketplace Suggestions

The fact that I can no longer connect from my office made me think of this one.
There are times, namely during the workday, when I want to login and see what the market prices are.

It would be pretty nice if you had some way of logging in ONLY to the market and your collection. Thinks like network lag wouldn't matter nearly as much... And it would be a great help for people who just want to check the market during the workday rather than actually play.

I am not sure what type of work this would require, it would probably be fairly intensive... But this is a suggestion board so I'm tossing it out!

Another idea which came to mind was some sort of alert system for prices.
I am currently tracking the prices of various cards manually in a spreadsheet. I know what their "low" prices have been... and I know how much I am willing to spend. It would be great if we could get an in-game email sent when cards reach a certain price. There's already a notification system for when your cards sell so I wouldn't expect it to require any drastic changes. The one key thing to do would be to limit the number of cards you can watch so that you aren't putting excess load on the system...

Just a couple ideas during a slow day at work.

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