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#26 18-12-2010 18:12:42

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : Your best auction house buys/sells

Bought Elfine Bow exp 144/160 for 800 crystal big_smile

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#27 21-12-2010 10:28:54

Inscription : 12-12-2010
Messages : 83

Re : Your best auction house buys/sells

bought akutsai shiny 40k    sold it the next day 80k

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#28 21-12-2010 10:45:03

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 111

Re : Your best auction house buys/sells

Back when I was below level 9, I got a Faceless for 100 crystals. He's all grown up to level 3 now (sniff).

Recently I bought a foil Odds and Ends for 2300. It was cheaper than the non-foil. I used it and sold it the next day for 9k.

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#29 27-12-2010 19:39:03

Evil Eevee
Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 25-12-2010
Messages : 15

Re : Your best auction house buys/sells

Best was probably a level 3 Sen Ryaku for 2900, and when homchai first came out I sold a level 1 rargnor for around 17,000.

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