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#1 16-12-2010 05:30:59

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-12-2010
Messages : 9

Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

I really like the idea of the deck, I just honestly havent got a clue how to go about making a decent one. Ive mostly played with a marauder Zil deck so im not to familiar with running anything else.

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#2 16-12-2010 05:36:07

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

I encountered an interesting sap deck yesterday.

It has the two elf girls and the new craftsmen chick. Tossed out lots of quick draws and debuffed me with craftsmen items.

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#3 16-12-2010 09:07:53

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 09-12-2010
Messages : 13

Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

[card]Items have a soul[/card]
Just get this 3 copies of this card. Seriously.. besides [card]Lady Yilith[/card] and unique card which remove cards that are put into grave there is no stopping this combo hmm

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#4 16-12-2010 09:14:22

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

IHAS works better in Hom'chai deck, much better. Elfines can win without it with proper build (deff reduction, quick draw etc)

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#5 16-12-2010 09:34:37

Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 617

Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

bleachman a écrit :

I encountered an interesting sap deck yesterday.

It has the two elf girls and the new craftsmen chick. Tossed out lots of quick draws and debuffed me with craftsmen items.

Interesting, perhaps you could explain how this deck works.

And I want your opinion about Elfine gals with mage keizan line up.
The tree form-keizan didn't work as expected, keizan debuff my defense instead sad . So I made mage keizan, love the spirit bonus and he looks more cool with that form cool

Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies

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#6 16-12-2010 12:29:17

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 273

Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

Malandrin lvl3 > Warrior Keizan for Elfine Support IMO...

And for a Mage Keizan lineup i'd probably go Melissandre Spiritspeaker Keizan and focus more on magic while keeping Quick Draws and Melody.

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#7 16-12-2010 23:43:28

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-11-2010
Messages : 139

Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

Gaya is an interesting support character, but only really useful if you have multitasking and can throw here buff/debuff idols on more than one person. 2 copys of the buff makes 2 characters nature guemulites if they aren't already, and ensures that they get +2 every round, and that modifier does not go away at the end of the round either, you get another 2 for a total of 4 the next. The same goes with the debuff, the more nature guemulites you have, the better off you are with her

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#8 17-12-2010 02:17:20


Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

Well Im a Sap Heart suporter and used them a lot. For me tha team Melissandre ydiane and warrior keizan really works for me. Ydiane+h.m.+magic p. is almost than efective like Melissandre+h.m.+q.a. and keizan down defense who works with the elfines and u can chain a vampire dagger and use quick atack or magic posin who is really great, u dont only focus in pshysical damage u can deal magic damage too who I prefer than just focus in one tipe of damage.

#9 17-12-2010 02:51:10

Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 617

Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

I agree with IvoVanDyk, magic poison is a great magic support card since sometimes sap can find it hard to breach some opponents defence like hares the runic, xin, and so many other dudes with thick shell. Once I killed Abomb with ydiane on the first turn just with a simple melody + magic p. And double magic p to hares the runic with mage keizan will make it easier to kill him with bow on the next turn. There so much combo in the sap hearts.. even though I used the mage version of keizan, well ppl have their own style of playing as we all know it..

I love the sap heart, I love killing 3 people at once, but I hate ppl calling this deck OP OP..!!

Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies

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#10 17-12-2010 03:32:40

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-12-2010
Messages : 9

Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

I needs qucik attack or w/e its called. Sux being broke hmm

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#11 17-12-2010 12:50:22

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Help with a Sap Heart Elf deck

The deck I saw worked like this:

[card]Melissandre[/card] and [card]Ydiane[/card] mostly used [card]Hypnotic Melody[/card] and [card]Quick Draw[/card]. Occasionally they would equip a level 2 [card]Elfine Bow[/card] to dish out the damage at all of the opponents.

[card]Gaya[/card] used [card]Multitasking[/card] to play multiples of [card]Evil Jorusien[/card]. I cannot confirm it, but I believe the damage stacks with damage dealt by Elfin Bow, meaning stacking two on one character would result in additional damage.

Basically that is how that deck worked against me. Beat me too since I was playing lowbie trackers. tongue

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