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#1 13-12-2010 19:36:52

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 85

Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

So we seem to get ignored by the devs on this subject - it has been brought up countless times with no responses that are worth a piss.

The Servers need updating. This is getting worse every day. The Lagging is unbearable - especially if your in a tourney.

So this thread is for the PAYING customers. People that spend hard earned money buying boosters.

If we signed this petition AND agreed to NOT purchase any boosters for just ONE WEEK...maybe they would sit up and listen.

I hope you guys can agree with this and make it the longest thread in the forums history.

Just sign with your IGN.

IGN. Guy_Slatter.

Dernière modification par kappa1uk (13-12-2010 19:40:09)

Pop in and say Hi to the English Speaking population of Eredan.
Live chat for all comers.

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#2 13-12-2010 19:39:33

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 4

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

Ign asaillius

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#3 13-12-2010 19:46:35

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 6

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

Im in favor of ***bip*** request, count me in
IGN: Sheik_Beleren

Dernière modification par sheik3frz (13-12-2010 20:28:47)

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#4 13-12-2010 19:49:09

Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 455

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

IGN - Glasher

Concentrate not on destroying your foe, but on obtaining your own victory. - Gouken

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#5 13-12-2010 20:15:15

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 02-07-2010
Messages : 11

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!


Dernière modification par Cygnus (13-12-2010 20:15:49)

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#6 13-12-2010 20:44:05

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 86

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

ign: Ninsane

server seems unable to contain more than 1k online user

ps: i am a paying customer

i really really hate the disconnect issue right now,
so many cases for me, last turn, just when i was about to win either its a hard fought one or an obvious victory, ending as my loss saying i took too much time when i was starring at the monitor clicking the heck out of my mouse cause the arrow button didnt show up. that feeling sucked! but i'd hate to leave the game cause i like it so much that id willing to pay for it. then again, what good is a game when it leaves you with hate in the end

Dernière modification par Ninsane (14-12-2010 12:18:38)

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#7 13-12-2010 21:11:36

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

The staff is not deaf.
Yesterday chsxf put this: … 30#p208330

For the one that not speak french:
"As I just said, slowdowns are our primary concern and mine in particular. We worked really all our days to make the server crash stops and starts to function properly all the time. However, the server has undergone various optimizations in recent days that gradually improve the situation but not dramatically. We are making progress each day toward a level playing much better but there is still some way to go.

Any player here, free or paying, novice or advanced, is entitled to express his displeasure. We just want it done on good terms. You trust us by participating in all levels of the universe Eredan. Maybe we're not worthy of that trust (at least that's what we can understand your words), but believe me, when we say that we work daily to solve any problem that this is not a joke."

Dernière modification par Zurga (14-12-2010 13:36:19)

Collectionneur de cartes

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#8 14-12-2010 01:00:32

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

Zurga a écrit :

Any player here, free or paid, novice or advanced, is entitled to express his displeasure.

Agree big_smile

I also agree the lag and disconnecting/error occuring is bad, and I am glad they fixing it.

Dernière modification par goscar (14-12-2010 01:01:42)

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#9 14-12-2010 13:37:48

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

goscar a écrit :
Zurga a écrit :

Any player here, free or paid, novice or advanced, is entitled to express his displeasure.

Agree big_smile

Sorry, English is not my mother tongue.
Google translated it and I did not notice this one.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#10 14-12-2010 19:40:23

Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 43

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

I'm sorry but the situation has not "improved in recent days", it has only gotten worse. It's so bad that I can't even keep my fair play up high enough to enter elo rooms or tournaments (which are still fail btw). Three times in the last hour I have entered the elo room and been paired with an opponent. First turn the game lags me out. It's not my connection, I have a 50 Mbps connection which is working fine. So I lag out of an elo match, lose elo rating, and I cannot re-enter cause my fair play isn't high enough. So I play two meaningless matches in the regular rooms, re-enter the elo room, and lag out turn 1. When I have been able to enter tournaments the last couple of days half my matches end with "This game could not start due to an error". Everyone playing is getting this multiple times during a tournament (Which still suck btw). This is on top of the normal lag that happens when more than 1100+ people are connected. So I'm happy you are aware of the situation and are trying to do something but....IT AIN'T WORKIN.

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#11 14-12-2010 19:42:05

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 85

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

hear hear.

Pop in and say Hi to the English Speaking population of Eredan.
Live chat for all comers.

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#12 14-12-2010 19:42:29

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 230

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

+1 To The Previous Post Before The Previous Post.

Dernière modification par Breezy414 (14-12-2010 19:42:58)

.: I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar :.

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#13 14-12-2010 20:00:41

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 86

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

I'm getting disconnection alot lately. must be 6 times already today. i can count it by looking at my match history losses marked by forfeit.


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#14 14-12-2010 20:27:13

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

Umm... hmm...

Just uh... look at my stance on this over here:

My response is classy, and I don't feel like writing it again.

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
See where your character cards stand against the full list.

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#15 14-12-2010 20:47:38

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 230

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

Mine is too.

.: I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar :.

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#16 14-12-2010 20:52:47

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : Petition for the devs to DO SOMETHING.!

Plus, this is the suggestions forum... not the discussion forum.

Am I right?  tongue

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
See where your character cards stand against the full list.

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