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#1 13-12-2010 12:50:34

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 09-12-2010
Messages : 13

What should I buy for my Zil deck

So. First of all I would like to thank anyone who had helped me in the previous topic with watchmaker (it ended up me selling him for 40k smile but thanks anyway)

So here's the problem. First of all my current deck:

[card]Ergue[/card] lvl1
[card]Silene[/card] lvl1
[card]Soriek[/card] lvl2

2x [card]Armed and ready[/card]
1x [card]Assassination[/card]
3x [card]Blast![/card]
1x [card]Blessed bandage[/card]
2x [card]Dexterity test[/card]
1x [card]Fist blade[/card]
2x [card]Healing balm[/card]
1x [card]Scroll of immobility[/card]
1x [card]Short sword[/card]
1x [card]Simple dagger[/card]
1x [card]Smart ass[/card]
1x [card]Smash that wall![/card]
3x [card]weapon dance[/card]

So the problem is: I have 20k left to spent and I don`t know if I should save up for [card]Telendar[/card] or maybe I should just improve this deck

Another question, which don`t belong here but I don`t want to spam this forum, is: if I have non-sell-able bigrage lvl2 and sellable lvl 2 ergue, can I than sell Cigue (after combining them together)as normal or should I look for sellable bigrage and than  upgrade him to cigue?

Dernière modification par carosh (13-12-2010 13:06:42)

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#2 13-12-2010 12:57:44

Inscription : 25-10-2010
Messages : 41

Re : What should I buy for my Zil deck

You can use the non tradable bigrage to combine. The resulting Cigue will still be tradable.

As for the zil deck, I will let someone with a better knowledge of playing zil answer.

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#3 13-12-2010 13:41:24

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 86

Re : What should I buy for my Zil deck

if u want telendar, it would be best just to buy him at max lv if you dont have watchmaker.

and for the deck. get more assasination, executioner trophy for time to die, or you can also get 3 cards of a warrior's fury

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#4 13-12-2010 17:08:02

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-12-2010
Messages : 189

Re : What should I buy for my Zil deck

why watchmaker? can u explain please

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#5 13-12-2010 17:23:16

Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 96

Re : What should I buy for my Zil deck

Watchmake IS NEEDED FOR LEVEL THE Telendar up to the max. level (Final evo.)

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#6 13-12-2010 22:16:05

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 327
Site Web

Re : What should I buy for my Zil deck

the telendar option is not that good is better to buy the atchmaker because you in some point woul want to have an abomination and watchmaker is also needed, in fect u also need apostle for the shadow so get them and level them and you will (my recomendation buy selene and aposstle and level apostle selene silene deck)

poder zil

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#7 14-12-2010 00:32:23

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 09-12-2010
Messages : 13

Re : What should I buy for my Zil deck

Well I won`t be buying [card]watchmaker of destiny[/card] untill I have almost lvl 4 on my [card]cigue[/card] and [card]mashtok[/card] (which one is better btw?) so... it`ll take a while

anyway about [card]the shadow[/card] I start to think that she might be pretty good but she will require me to lvl up my [card]selene[/card] and [card]silene[/card] to lvl 3 so that I might have a chance at winning while using [card]apostle of destiny[/card] (damn she looks weak)

As for propositions..
[card]A warrior's fury[/card] looks great (combos with dexterity test which is good for me) but it costs almost 10k so i focused on shell instead..irrational but whatever

as for [card]telendar[/card] he costs too much for me (on sunday he costed 17,6k now he costs 33k... weird)

and as for propositions I really like them but like I said I only have 20k .. nothing more so. it will be tough to finish the deck but i still got time right ?

Thank you all and maybe some more propositions?

EDIT: Oh almost forgot.. does anyone know a good way to win against Temple Guardians.. I think I NEVER won against them... they are hard as hell

Dernière modification par carosh (14-12-2010 00:36:07)

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#8 15-12-2010 00:46:28

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 86

Re : What should I buy for my Zil deck

i suggest you look for FAQ card upgrade list thread. it's very useful.
don't repeat what i did. i leveled telendar to level2 max exp just to find out that i need watchmaker to upgrade him. so i had to sell him and buy the lv 3 direct from market hmm

cigue or mashtok? go for [card]mashtok [/card]he has much more hp.

as for temple guardians.. it'll be close. u need to outdamage them enough that they can't heal back to life.

[card]Time To Die[/card] [card]Assasination[/card] [card]A Warrior's Fury[/card]

or use noz mage deck

one more thing, you DO NOT need [card]watchmaker [/card]to MAKE [card]Abomination [/card]from lv4 [card]Cigue[/card] & [card]Mashtok[/card].

you only need [card]watchmaker[/card] to upgrade [card]Abomination [/card]lv5 TO lv6.

Dernière modification par Ninsane (15-12-2010 00:57:13)

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#9 16-12-2010 12:59:17

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-12-2010
Messages : 189

Re : What should I buy for my Zil deck

so how to build the deck for: apostle selene silene
and please make it cheap enough T_T

Dernière modification par silversaint (16-12-2010 13:00:03)

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