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#1 12-12-2010 22:52:49

Lieu : Dublin - Ireland
Inscription : 12-11-2010
Messages : 456

The Eredan Saga

Well i finaly decided to do something coz i got SO curious about the story of the game and grew tired of waitin. I went up to google translate and noticed the translation is very close and french is near to my own language.
Here it goes...
And I also expect proper french-english speaker to correct it!

Dernière modification par Gabriel_Caetano (12-12-2010 23:11:16)

Teacher: Wake up Calvin! This is Geography class! In what state do you live in?
Calvin: Denial!
Teacher: I can't argue with that...

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#2 12-12-2010 23:10:20

Lieu : Dublin - Ireland
Inscription : 12-11-2010
Messages : 456

Re : The Eredan Saga

Fallen from the Sky - Act 1
French to English translation
It's been several days that members of the  Kotoba empire roamed the roads. They had passed through many villages, and each time, residents expecting the arrival of the illustrious heroes, had offered them shelter and sumptuous feasts. They had left Okia, the farthest place in the Imperial capital, but also closest to the Tomb of the Ancestors. The whereabouts of the stones fallen from Heaven was only two days' march.

They had crossed the great gates of Ji built by their ancestors to lead the dead to the world of eternal rest. Doing so they had broken the treaty between the Empire and the Draconis. But it mattered little, times had changed and their victory was depending on foreigners. Or so they thought ...

The roads through these lands long forgotten were more than vague paths. Amaya then noticed footprints.

- Look out!, "She exclaimed.

The young woman pointed to the smoke rising into the air nearby. Aku timidly approached the Imperial Lord .

- I think I know who it is. We have nothing to fear from them.

The Kotoba moved quickly to the site. There waited two enigmatic characters. One, dressed in costume and face makeup, amused the other, a huge monster as muscular as bold.

- Kyoshiro and OKOON! Cried the young Iro, stars in their eyes.

The two characters turned towards the group.

- The Kotoba went closer. "Good thing you're here"   said Gakyusha.

Kyoshiro, the smaller of the two, bowed his head in greeting.

- My Lord, we saw the meteor stone and I knew the instant it crashed you would come so far.

Sen'Ryaku   extinguished the fire by smothering.

- These cons are not very smart. The dragons are not very far from here, they'll spot us!, She said.

In response Kyoshiro looked into her eyes and shook his head negatively.

- They know we are coming for a long time. Do not underestimate them!

Teacher: Wake up Calvin! This is Geography class! In what state do you live in?
Calvin: Denial!
Teacher: I can't argue with that...

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#3 13-12-2010 00:00:26

Lieu : Dublin - Ireland
Inscription : 12-11-2010
Messages : 456

Re : The Eredan Saga

French to English translation

It's been a nice day as the envoys of Noz'Dingard  set up their camp at the foot of the huge stone fallen from heaven.

Zahal, Eglantyne and Moira had gone to explore the surrounding area and monitor the possible arrival of their traditional enemies: the Kotoba. During that time, the rest of the group discussing quietly, enjoying the relative tranquility of the place.

Installed in an  travel armchair, Prophet was stroking nicely Kounok, who squealed with pleasure. Anryéna talking to her grandson, the son of an individual that fascinated the young man's family.

- Anryéna, you are the mother of the Prophet and therefore my grandmother. But the Prophet never wanted to tell me who was his father.

- My boy, it is natural for you to ask  about your lineage. I think there are secrets that your father should  reveal to you at the proper time when you need to know . The young man burnined with impatience.

- I am the daughter of the Dragon and the first Witchblade, Zaina.

Aerouant opened his eyes wide, the relationship became evident. He was the great grand-son of the Dragon! Sitting in his armchair, the Prophet  listened to his mother  whose physique was still that of a beautiful young woman.

- I had two children, your father is the eldest. The second ... Most surprising is the fact that your uncle is not in human form.

- Kounok! Aerouant exclaimed.

The dragon stared at the small cristallomancer with great interest.

- As for you, a descendant of the Dragon, your mother is none other than the current leader of Wichblades, the venerable Naya. But the Prophet and her turned cold many years ago. Only their respective duties require them to mingle.

- Mother, it's enough! Some stories don't matter to him, at least not directly ...

A little further Alishk was lost in concentration. Since their arrival here, he felt something strange with this stone that fell from heaven and he remained concentrating all his senses on the immense magical gem.

But he got struck in a sort  of protection field which nature escaped him totally. No one could touch the stone. It provided a soft yellow light that filled the exile of the Desert with a strange energy.

- Well Alishk  , what is your magic detecting?

The little boy who had just spoken was hiding behind large glasses.

- Strangely I feel nothing aggressive, but I suspect also that this is a facade. You should maybe try to feel it, Pilkim.

- Yes, you're right ....

Teacher: Wake up Calvin! This is Geography class! In what state do you live in?
Calvin: Denial!
Teacher: I can't argue with that...

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#4 13-12-2010 17:45:09


Re : The Eredan Saga

Congratulations! SO somebody finally did it!!! I start with the same a few months ago and at the end me and other player finished with all the spanish chapters couse all of us wanted to know about the background story.-

#5 13-12-2010 18:49:19

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-11-2010
Messages : 237

Re : The Eredan Saga

thanks you! when next installment comes out please continue

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#6 14-12-2010 13:20:23

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 86

Re : The Eredan Saga

thank youu, loving this, dude

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#7 14-12-2010 14:03:31

Lieu : Parcourant les terres de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2009
Messages : 5 231

Re : The Eredan Saga

I've made some modifications to your translation of Voyage. Some things were almost mistranslated.

The members of the Kotoba have been roaming the roads of the Empire for several days. They had passed through many villages, and each time, residents expecting the arrival of  illustrious heroes, had offered them shelter and sumptuous feasts. They had left Okia, the farthest place from the Imperial capital but also the closest to the Tomb of the Ancestors. The place of the stone Fallen from the Sky was only two days' march away.

They had crossed the great gates of Ji built by their ancestors to lead the dead to the world of eternal rest. Doing so they had broken the treaty between the Empire and the Draconis. But it mattered little, times had changed and the victory against the foreigners was already theirs. Or so they thought...

The roads through these lands long forgotten were more than vague paths. Amaya then noticed footprints.

- "Look out!", she exclaimed.

The young woman pointed to smoke rising nearby. Aku timidly approached the Imperial Lord.

- "I think I know who it is. We have nothing to fear from them."

The Kotoba moved quickly to the site. There waited two enigmatic characters. One, dressed in costume and wearing makeup, amused the other, a huge monster as muscular as he was fat.

- "Kyoshiro and Okooni !", cried the young Iro, stars in his eyes.

The two characters turned to face the group.

- "The whole Kotoba or nearly. Good thing you're here", Gakyusha told them.

Kyoshiro, the smaller of the two, aproached his lord to greet him.

- "My Lord, we saw the meteor stone and I knew the moment it crashed that you would come here."

Sen'Ryaku extinguished the fire by smothering it.

- "Lighting a fire wasn't really smart. The dragons are not very far from here, they'll spot us !", she said.

In response to that Kyoshiro looked her in the eyes and shook his head negatively.

- "They've known for a long time that we are coming. Do not underestimate them !"

PS: If you want some help in translating the other stories you can PM me IG. My pseudo is the same.

Dernière modification par JarodG64 (14-12-2010 14:18:16)

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#8 14-12-2010 18:11:42

Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 43

Re : The Eredan Saga

Great translation, much easier on the eyes lol. But this whole post is win in my opinion.

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