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#1 08-12-2010 16:57:51

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : MA, USA
Inscription : 02-12-2010
Messages : 189

Buying Fee'z

This is a two part post...

First - What does the bank screen mean by saying 507 + 117 offered? (etc) Does that mean you get 624? Or does the 117 go to your godfather? or what?

Secondly - did anyone run the numbers?

Paying $7 gives you 72 per US dollar
Paying 10 gives you 71.5
15 gives you 69 per dollar
27 gives you ~82 per dollar
40 gives you 87.5
68 gives you 85

Am I missing something? (possibly related to the offers)
Why would you ever pay 15 or 27? (and while I'm at it, the numbers are kind of random... is this because of international conversion?)

My apologies if there already was a post like this... When I ran the search nothing came up.


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#2 08-12-2010 18:01:39

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2010
Messages : 174

Re : Buying Fee'z

It actually says 'including X feez offered'.

So, if it says "454 feez (including 75 offered)", you will get the 454 on that purchase only. In future purchases, you will get less feez for the same amount of money (as your 'offered feez' will go down).

So, you're actually paying for less than you get-- while I suppose that's a bonus, and it is a good thing, just keep it in mind when buying in the future.

The first purchase I made was an OK deal, but now it costs just over $7 US for the feez to buy a single booster- which is a a lot of money. And hard to stomach being used to ~4-5 dollars/booster.

This is a good game, but expensive.


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#3 08-12-2010 18:02:52

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 126

Re : Buying Fee'z

the +feez offered mean they are giving extra feez with the purchase of that package.  I'm not sure where you live but this is what I see at the bank:

$6.99 for 390 feez + 39 = 61 feez per dollar. 
$9.99 for 550 feez + 49 = 60 feez per dollar.
$14.99 for 800 feez + 48 = 56 feez per dollar.
$27.00 for 1700 + 345 = 75 feez per dollar.
$39.99 for 2700 + 694 = 84 feez per dollar.
$68.00 for 5000 + 1589 = 96 feez per dollar.

After doing this I'm glad that when I do buy feez it's always the $27.00 pack.  Even without the extra feez added it's still a decent deal.  Works out to be a little less than $2.00 for a pack of 4 cards.

Dernière modification par doubledipper (08-12-2010 18:03:05)

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#4 08-12-2010 18:31:42

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : MA, USA
Inscription : 02-12-2010
Messages : 189

Re : Buying Fee'z

Ok, so that second number is already included in what you are buying.
That makes the numbers make more sense.

But you are saying the "bonus" decreases as you buy more?

Huh... Interesting concept. It both encourages people to spend more and slows down the benefits gained by throwing money at it... That may be a brilliant business decision... Or it may be a terrible one...

It sounds like I am better off picking up Magic: The Gathering again than buying cards here though...


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#5 08-12-2010 18:37:47

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 06-10-2010
Messages : 219

Re : Buying Fee'z

except you earn virtual currency here to buy cards on the secondary market, where MtG you are paying cash for with the free fee'z offers, I've gotten numerous packs for free....

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#6 08-12-2010 18:44:28

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : MA, USA
Inscription : 02-12-2010
Messages : 189

Re : Buying Fee'z

Are the free offers the normal online game scam type links?
(like you'd see in any facebook game)

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#7 08-12-2010 18:51:23

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : MA, USA
Inscription : 02-12-2010
Messages : 189

Re : Buying Fee'z

The virtual currency concept IS very interesting.
That is a large reason I am considering buying cards...

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#8 09-12-2010 14:12:58

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 29-11-2010
Messages : 17

Re : Buying Fee'z

That seems like a stupidly crippling system. I can't afford to pay too much on fee'z, and it if gets to the stage where it isn't cost effective - I'm going to stop.

And free fee'z? That's all based on your location, anyway. I've done a bunch and I got a few packs, but now all the higher ones are gone, and some of the lower ones just don't pay up. I've not go the time to sift through the hundreds of malware based ones. ¬w¬

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