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#1 09-12-2010 10:52:25

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 09-12-2010
Messages : 13

Help with Watchmaker of Destiny


I`m new to this forum and new to this game smile

I`ve been playing some time with my Zil deck but once i get at booster Watchmaker of Destiny I was wondering how to make him work with any kind of deck (to get him to lvl3).

So this is how I play now:
1x [card]Eglantyne the witchblade[/card]
1x [card]Moira the witchblade[/card]
1x [card]Watchmaker of Destiny[/card]

1x [card]Armed and Ready[/card]
1x [card]Assassination[/card]
3x [card]Blast![/card]
1x [card]Blessed bandage[/card]
1x [card]Celerity[/card]
1x [card]Cubit Chakra[/card]
1x [card]Devouring Swarm[/card]
2x [card]Fight![/card]
1x [card]Fireball[/card]
1x [card]Guardian's benediction[/card]
1x [card]healing balm[/card]
2x [card]illusory reflection[/card]
1x [card]self-confidence[/card]
1x [card]simple dagger[/card]
1x [card]watcher[/card]
1x [card]weapon dance[/card]

So.. I know it's totall mess but. anyone can help me ?

PS: Sorry if it shouldn`t be here.

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#2 09-12-2010 14:03:01

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 327
Site Web

Re : Help with Watchmaker of Destiny

is perfectly fine here and i would suggest a more standard deck if u can afford it if u cant is better to just keep your zil deck and throw him into it so your high lvl cards can help him

poder zil

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#3 10-12-2010 00:59:44

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 09-12-2010
Messages : 13

Re : Help with Watchmaker of Destiny

Well my current deck is something like this

1x [card]Selene [/card] lvl 1 (upgrading for money)
1x [card]Bigrage[/card] lvl 2
1x [card]Hares the brute[/card] lvl 2

1x [card]Armed and ready[/card]
1x [card]Assassination[/card]
2x [card]Blast![/card]
1x [card]Blessed bandage[/card]
2x [card]Cubit Chakra[/card]
1x [card]Dexterity test[/card]
3x [card]Fight![/card]
1x [card]Fist blade[/card]
1x [card]Freeze![/card]
1x [card]Healing balm[/card]
2x [card]Simple dagger[/card]
1x [card]Simple shield[/card]
1x [card]Smart Ass[/card]
1x [card]Watcher[/card]
1x [card]Weapon Dance[/card]

So.. what should I throw out to make space for Watchmaker and his cards (whatever cards I need for him)

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#4 10-12-2010 04:57:10

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Help with Watchmaker of Destiny

I'd suggest sticking with a mage deck to train your watchmaker. People immediately assume you have high leveled characters, which is not the case in most such issues.

Watchmaker is a pretty decent mage, especially since he can have 3 spirit once he hits level 2. Toss in some other good mages, maybe stick with your witchblades to score points for teh current event trophy. smile

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#5 11-12-2010 03:44:08

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-11-2010
Messages : 237

Re : Help with Watchmaker of Destiny

bleachman a écrit :

I'd suggest sticking with a mage deck to train your watchmaker. People immediately assume you have high leveled characters, which is not the case in most such issues.

Watchmaker is a pretty decent mage, especially since he can have 3 spirit once he hits level 2. Toss in some other good mages, maybe stick with your witchblades to score points for teh current event trophy. smile

i think a good idea would be(if you can afford it) a lvl 3 prophet with it since it increases spirit by one

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