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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
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Been playing the game a few weeks and since deciding how I'd like to build my deck up a little over the last fortnight or so, I've run into a problem I'm sure many of you are familiar with... hunting down an affordable deal on a specific card.
Speaking as a newb, I cant always afford the cards I'd like, and over the past couple of days I've been playing a nasty game of "chase the card" as the price for the card I really want at the moment keeps raising so its always just beyond my means.
For older players, whilst the cost might not be such an issue, I'm sure there's probably been a time when you'd pick up some card or another, if it was only a little cheaper.
As i've not found it suggested yet, I figured I'd scribble the idea down here.
On top of the existing system where sellers can specify a price for a specific card and dump it on the market, allow Buyers to submit bids on cards as well.
Sellers could then be alerted when putting a card up for sale that there is an offer of a certain amount for that card which they can either accept for an instant sale, or reject, allowing them to put the card up as normal.
Limiting players to 3-4 offers at once, removing the crystals from them on placing the offer (to ensure they can actually afford to pay it) and enforcing the current 1hour wait before the offer is live should help prevent abuse of the system, although not sure how you'd want to deal with transaction tax for this kind of sale... (maybe split it 50/50 between buyer and seller to give a little more incentive for sellers?)
eg. Player A wants to buy some card, lets say Abomination, but isn't happy with the current market rate (680k at time of writing).
They are willing to pay out 500,000 crystals for him and so submit an offer to that effect.
An hour later their offer goes live, just in time for Player B to put their copy of the card up for sale.
Player B opens the card up in their collection, and under the traditional sales blurb at the bottom of the listing ( Market Price and Average sale price) they see an additional "Highest Offer - 500,000".
On the left hand side, in addition to the Sale Price options and sell button, there's an additional "Accept Offer" option, which will immediately complete the sale, and land them with a very quick and easy 500k (minus tax etc)
I wouldn't suggest allowing users to browse all the available offers, as this could be abused to transfer cards from alt accounts. Similarly would automatically refuse any offer that's the same value as, or higher than the current market price to stop people locking cards out against offers.
Hope this is a useful suggestion anyways.... meantime back to card chasing :S
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That is an interesting and well thought-out idea. I like it.
Save Toran the Faithless! Equal cards for mercenary caste members! http://forum.eredan.com/viewtopic.php?i … at=itcg-us
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What a great Idea.
As an avid trader in the marketplace - I would love this feature - especially the accept offer button when selling a card.
I hope the devs get to hear about this and it doesnt just hang in "english speaking limbo" like so many other great suggestions.
Pop in and say Hi to the English Speaking population of Eredan.
Live chat for all comers. http://xat.com/EredanUnite
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I think it is a great idea!
Concentrate not on destroying your foe, but on obtaining your own victory. - Gouken
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I hope the devs get to hear about this and it doesnt just hang in "english speaking limbo" like so many other great suggestions.
*ALL of our suggestions.
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this is great
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i have something to say about that, is like the private merching someone suggested so you can in fact buy miced cards from starter packs as for example rods by just buying a fireball
poder zil
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i used to play a facebook game that had that system to buy items and it was way more efficient than eredan's system.. it was all based on bids
i really can't remember the name of the game >.<
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I agree. A very good idea!
Don't go into the jungle dressed like a banana if you don't like monkeys!
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