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#1 08-12-2010 01:53:19

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 08-12-2010
Messages : 7

Damage Formula

Can anyone explain normaly the FORMULA OF DAMAGE. Lets say attacker has 5/11 and my defense will be 2. How much damage i will get and why?

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#2 08-12-2010 02:02:32

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 8

Re : Damage Formula

in the example you've given, you'll take between 3-9 damage.

Basically you subtract your Defence score from the low and high score and that gives you the range of damage that will be dealt.

In this case, a player with 3 hp or less is guarantee'd to be killed.  A player with between 4 and 9 health can potentially be killed in one hit, and someone with 10 or more health will survive unless theres some other effect in play or the attacker gets a 2nd attack.

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#3 12-12-2010 14:45:13

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 08-12-2010
Messages : 7

Re : Damage Formula

well, this is not an answer. I need exactly to know how much damage i get cuz nomatter how i count i cant find out what kind of formula it is. Its like computer gets from air what damage oppoonent makes. Now regarding my example it is final results after u use all possible cards. Opponent has 5/11 and i have 2 defense. What damage i will get. No extra abilities or something else are involved. Just poor stats: opponent 5/11 against my defense 2 and my attack lets say 8/9

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#4 12-12-2010 14:46:24

Lieu : Latina, Italy
Inscription : 06-11-2010
Messages : 632

Re : Damage Formula

It's random, no formulas

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#5 12-12-2010 15:14:37

Inscription : 25-10-2010
Messages : 41

Re : Damage Formula

The attack score is a damage range. Therefore an attacker with a 5/9 attack score will do between 5 and 9 damage.

The defending character's Defense score is subtracted from the incoming damage. So if your character has a Defense score of 2, and the attacker had an attack score of 5/9, your character will take between 3 and 7 damage. 5-9 minus 2.

The only way to know exactly what damage you will take is if the attacking character has an equal attack score, say 10/10, then you know he is doing 10 damage.

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#6 12-12-2010 21:49:29

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 08-12-2010
Messages : 7

Re : Damage Formula

so the more exp card has the more possibility that u will make more dmg or is it totaly random?

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#7 12-12-2010 22:06:40

Lieu : Argentina
Inscription : 27-11-2010
Messages : 1 076

Re : Damage Formula


“¡Se me ha acabado el té!”

[Chat Eredan Hispano | Clan Séptimo Sentido]

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#8 13-12-2010 01:25:59

Inscription : 25-10-2010
Messages : 41

Re : Damage Formula

Yup totally random between the two attack scores. You basically need to figure on them doing thier highest attack everytime just to gauge what you need to do to survive. It's the only safe way.

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