
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#26 15-11-2010 09:16:31

Lieu : Romania
Inscription : 13-11-2010
Messages : 37

Re : Eredan Training Group aka [ETG]

Eredan IGN : ssjtrunks
Facebook profile:
Current level: 9
Preferred gaming hours in GMT: 16pm-23pm GMT

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#27 28-11-2010 00:25:49

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-10-2010
Messages : 116

Re : Eredan Training Group aka [ETG]

SlyTechs a écrit :

Eredan IGN: SlyTechs
Current level: 11
Gaming time: anytime, when i go in facebook

please any1 add me or let me know...i feel like leveling Tempus from lv1...soo even in normal matchs, we could arrange fights

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#28 28-11-2010 01:49:19

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 327
Site Web

Re : Eredan Training Group aka [ETG]

IGN: raelian
Level: 14
i can be online at anytime so just ask xD and +1 to the lvl 11 or more rooms leveling groups tell me wenever u want

Dernière modification par raelian (28-11-2010 01:49:56)

poder zil

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#29 02-12-2010 04:16:50

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-10-2010
Messages : 116

Re : Eredan Training Group aka [ETG]

any1 can help me do that … re=related

on my tempus?

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#30 07-12-2010 21:52:58

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 4

Re : Eredan Training Group aka [ETG]

Eredan IGN (in game name): asaillius
Facebook profile:!/profile.php? … 0847264800
Current level: 10
Preferred gaming hours in GMT:varies day to day

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#31 08-12-2010 01:17:39

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 8

Re : Eredan Training Group aka [ETG]

Eredan IGN (in game name): Cytheria
Facebook profile:
Current level: 11
Preferred gaming hours in GMT:varies day to day - spend a lot of time online but idle (watching markets)

Will always try to play in training rooms to maximise XP for other players where possible, regardless of if they are listed on the thread here (tho I'm happy to insta gank players who are overly aggressive and obviously dont want to use the training rooms properly)

Also happy to play training games in the normal rooms, if you see me online and fancy a couple of rounds for extra xp drop me a message and if im active ill load my deck up with Thats an Order's and join you smile

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#32 09-12-2010 05:49:06

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 49

Re : Eredan Training Group aka [ETG]

Eredan IGN: Jagera
Facebook profile:
Current Level : 10

Not sure how I feel about posting my FB profile as of yet, I've had bad experiences with spammers from other FB games. I'm on the English chat every now and then though.

But I'll be happy to level a deck with anyone smile I give my opponent order bonuses regardless of whether they will for me, and recently I had an opponent use retreat so that they would leave me with 1HP at worst so I could get a turn 7 order bonus, which is always nice.

...I probably should have saved the name somewhere, to give credit where credit's due.

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