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#1 05-12-2010 16:10:12

Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 74

Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

Just a feeling of mine due to gaming experiences, but I ave the impression that these characters are too powerful. Mage-Warriors/Marauders are limied to 1 spell card per turn (apart from "pen is mightier") which evens the odds as they can cast a spell followed by a physical attack. The Mage-Priest_Warrior/Marauders can use theurgy+spell+physical attack. I think that should be rechecked because Sacred Nova + Rain of Death + Physical attack (as an example) is next to uncounterable and kills most opponents, as the theurgy-spell combo alone can deal up to 19 direct damage points.

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#2 05-12-2010 16:45:11

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 126

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

That is why that made it so that 'The Eternal' cannot use Divine Anger Theurgy.  I think Ateb is the only one who can chain Sacred Nova with RoD then make a physical attack.

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#3 05-12-2010 19:05:18

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

Stone Eater can as well.


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#4 06-12-2010 01:48:47

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 126

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

I think they're going to get banned from all future tourneys anyways.

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#5 06-12-2010 15:02:11

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

The Nova-Spell combo can also do next to nothing.  Losing to something doesn't make it overpowered.  There are only two characters in the entire game that can use that combo, and neither is easy to get.  The first is Ateb.  2000 elo prize, not unobtainable, but still difficult for a casual player.  Ateb's attack score is 5/10, pretty mediocre, and his defense score is only two. That paired with the fact that he only has 13 hp makes him pretty easy to work around. 

The other card is Stone Eater.  You must be level 20 to buy Stone Eater, and theres only one person so far that's reached 20, making her pretty darn exclusive.  Her stats?  3/8 attack score, 3 defense, 13 attack.  She has a built in heal based on the number of perm. spell cards in play, and she can debuff your superior traits by -1.  And three spirit to boot.  Pretty awesome card, considering that she can not only use nova-spell, but any theurgy-spell.  HOWEVER, what do you expect from the most exclusive character card in the game?  Only one person has her.  I know that when I reach level 20, I want to be rewarded with an awesome card for all my hard work, too.

Dernière modification par steven_allen (06-12-2010 15:11:15)


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#6 06-12-2010 17:43:13

Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 74

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

@steven: I've lost to quite a varying combination of decks without any problems because you can work around all charaters and combinations, but not this one. And as for the lvl20 requirement, I guess there's a way around that too. Going by the store I shouldn't have Okooni yet, but I do (Imperial Lord).
My problem with the theurgy-spell combo is that there's only a luckychance to get around it. The average character stats are 13hp, 1 spirit and 2 def. The eternal has 2 spirit. Sacred Nova = -5 (average), RoD = -4 minimum, followed by low attack (6/9) =-4 meaning the opposing character is dead even if this combo doesn't get near it's full potential. Now just spin this idea further and face a deck that raises the Eternals attack score before his turn, e.g with Epic fury, or Asajiro, King Aez + 5elders sword.... more than 90% of all other characters facing him are goners, and for me that's too powerful, because facing facts, there's no way to defend yourself against 3 different attack forms in 1 turn without being totally ineffective at dealing damage yourself. The only combo I see so far that can face up to theurgy-spell combo is Runic armour-Monster, played by Hares as attacker which counters the Nova and physical attack, for that taking full magic damage as his spirit=0. But that's again subject to external factors and chance.

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#7 06-12-2010 17:53:13

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

Stoneater needs Quilingo. You can't work around getting it before 20 tongue

I've really got nothing to add right now , but still, Stevens reasoning holds on that part. and I agree when I hit 20 I want a reward for it that is worthwhile.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#8 06-12-2010 17:54:45

Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 43

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

You just need to experience some other characters a little more. There are quite a few characters with high def and spr, ie The Shadow, any of the noz mages, trackers, etc. What you say is true, the combo of Theurgy-Spell-Attack is strong, but it's not overpowered in any way. There are ways to combat it just like most other combos in game.

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#9 06-12-2010 19:02:46

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

And Eternal can't use Nova.


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#10 06-12-2010 19:05:39

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

I always wondered that.

Did they cancel that b/c more of Pally hammer and his above average stats? Or b/c they thought that Nova was of concern, seeing it combo with ateb?

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#11 06-12-2010 19:13:06

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Mage-Priest-Warrior/Marauder too powerful?

I'm assuming they did it to put a check on him, since he's already pretty good on his own.  Ateb doesn't have any worthy abilities or stats to make him a threat.


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