
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 03-12-2010 22:04:36

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 179

Some ideas....

Just a few thoughts and some ideas for new cards:
Crow shuriken - Magic damage and upgradeable, do not return to hand, level 2 does opposing character and one additional character, level 3 (max) does magic damage to all opposing characters.

More undead characters and undead specific cards like physical immunity/resistance in exchange for magic vulnerability or vice versa, undead spiritual depression that reduces opposing attack and spirit for one or more rounds etc.

FREQUENT FEE'Z BUYER DISCOUNTS - because by now I've spent enough on fee'z to equal several playstation 3 games....adds up quick. (I realizeyou make alot of money for fee'z but if more ppl bought them at a reduced rate, wouldn't you still rake in a lot of dough?)

I had many more thoughts....but i can't think of them right now. haha

All that aside....awesome and very addictive game. Love it.

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#2 03-12-2010 22:15:29

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 179

Re : Some ideas....

Oh yea!
Tracker Kunai - haven't thought of any special properties other than dual wield: shuriken (so that using them with shuriken doesn't result in discarding one or the other)

Knife catcher - circus - (equipable action card) negates dagger master(on equipped character only)

Catch - crow or any - negates shuriken and sends them to discard pile instead of returning to hand

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#3 03-12-2010 22:22:42

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 179

Re : Some ideas....

Absorb - (element) spell - unique - negates one aoe spell and is discarded

Dais Spirit - mage - dais -  if spirit is greater than opponents any spell card played by the opponent heals for X where X is magic damage -your characters spirit

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