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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
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Here! Here! Think you master Arcane Magic ey? This is your chance to prove how much of a good Mage you are! Come and register in the Proelior Magus Tournament and show us what you've got! "
Tournament !
Participate in the Proelior Magus Tournament, A fantastic free Tournament for level 8 + Players!
Tournament Restrictions :
- Only Level 1 deck cards and characters.
- Mage Characters only.
- The Card A New start is not authorized.
To Win :
1st : 100 000 crystals and the Proelior Champion title.
2nd : 50 000 crystals and the Proelior Medium title.
3rd : 20 000 crystals and the ProeliorTribun Title.
Magic !
Obtain "Wand" cards! This will enable you to transform the opposing characters into animals!
Two ways to get them :
- When you purchase a Booster
- By playing and winning Trophies!
13 new Trophies to win! Either by playing in the Proelior Magus Tournament, or by transforming opposing characters thanks to wands!
Lottery !
Each Proelior Magus group Trophy and each game won during the Tournament will be accompanied by a Destiny Lottery Card trophy. This special card carries either one or several Lottery tickets that will each give you a chance to win some fantastic gifts! (through a draw)
* 1st place : 150 € Voucher
* 2nd Place : 50 € Voucher
* 3rd Place : 20 € Voucher
* Other players will be drawn and will also receive a few gifts.
End of Tournament + End of Trophies + Draw+ End of the "Wands" :
Monday the 29th of November 2010 at 10H (French Time).
Good luck to all of you and may the magic be with you !
Eredan iTCG, the online trading card gamer.
Find this also on Facebook !
Don't kill the dream, execute it.
Hors ligne
Just a note, I am an english player and received a French wand, heh. No idea what it does, and cannot copy paste it into a trandlator.
Avi Nocturnis is the card.
Sounds like an interesting tournament.
Hors ligne
Just a note, I am an english player and received a French wand, heh. No idea what it does, and cannot copy paste it into a trandlator. smile
Avi Nocturnis is the card.
Sounds like an interesting tournament.
Hi there, everything has been translated and the cards should turn into english very soon (the translation tool is in the process of converting everything)
Don't kill the dream, execute it.
Hors ligne
Well there goes more inflated spells than they already were...
Would help if I actually liked playing mages too
If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?
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I bought 3 boosters and get the same wand...but if I win a trophy with it I can get the others wands?
i wanted to play overwelming victory but cannot because i only own the collectors versiion and that is level 2
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Please make the wands' special effects usable AFTER the tourney as well. We could use a little anti meta mage gear for pretty much every non noz mage deck out there...
The first. The best. MSN.
Visit our guild's thread here and join up!
Also check this out: An English chat room!
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Can anyone tell what trophy gives wands? Dantesan wrote you can get them from trophies, but all trophies give out only tickets.
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Playing x games in the tourney gives cards but the images are messed so you cant see which is which
If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?
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