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#1 23-11-2010 04:41:24

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Dragons courage

Am I missing a combo that has actual use for it? Or is it really that lame?

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#2 23-11-2010 05:59:56

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Dragons courage

Erm, the card kind of sucks. Its not too bad VS mages. But besides that, fail.

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#3 23-11-2010 17:33:35

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Dragons courage

Even against mages it sucks, considering dragon knights already have a hard enough time killing things, giving the opponent HP is a no no. Least in my books.

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#4 23-11-2010 20:52:36

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 273

Re : Dragons courage

Ok, I may have figured out a way for this to be effective.  In the first three rounds your opponent has max hp most likely, so healing for 3 does nothing.  Beyond those first three it's only good against mages and priest that have that massive spirit-based heal thergy, but really just go get a [card]Reborn[/card].

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