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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
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The battle goes on and the Tempus have decided to join the conflict. .
The Watchmaker of Destiny and the Apostle of Destiny have seen the arrival of Time travelers entering their time line to form the Tempus, a Mercenary caste. Because they are Time Guemelites and own Time Spells, they are very capable of manipulating Turn numbers, watch out for them!
The Observer(and his upgrade). Rare. Character, Mercenary, Mage, Time Guemelite, Tempus. Spirit 2. Attack 2/5. Defense 1. Health points 12. Turns 3 and 5 : Spirit +1.
The Jailer (and his upgrade). Uncommon. Mercenary, Warrior, Time Guemelite, Tempus. Spirit 0. Attack 4/7. Defense 3. Health points 11. Gain chain when you plan some Armor. Turns 3 and 5: Attack +1.
The Executioner (and his upgrade). Common. Mercenary, Marauder, Time Guemelite, Tempus. Spirit 1. Attack 4/8. Defense 1. Health points 12. Attack +1 against Marauders. Turns 1 and 4 : Defense +1.
The Annunciator (and his upgrade). Common. Mercenary, Priest, Time Guemelite, Tempus. Spirit 1. Attack 3/6. Defense 2. Health points 12. Turns 2 and 5 : Defense +1.
NB : Once these characters reach their first evolution, they will be able to merge between them. We will let you discover The Eternal, the ultimate Tempus character.
Aging Rare. Time Spell. Mage. Tempus. Deals X+2 magic damage points to the opponent where X equals the current Turn number. .
Celerity Uncommon. Action. Tempus. Attack +X where X equals the current turn number.
Time Leap Common. Time Spell. Mage. Tempus. Defense +1. After the next Discard phase, the Turn counter will advance another Turn.
Area Control. Common. Action. Tempus. Defense + 3. Chain Tempus Card.
Please note that :
- The cards : Apostle of Destiny and Watchmaker of Destiny now belong to the Tempus caste.
- The cards Apostle of Destiny and Watchmaker of Destiny has been removed from the marketplace so you can decide whether you should put them up for sale or play with them.
Have fun !
Eredan iTCG, the online trading card game.
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(due to an error the images could not be uploaded on this news but check in-game to check them out!)
Don't kill the dream, execute it.
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Dont like the Cards i mean the merge is really good but alot to much work for me the rest is medicore at best i cannot seem somone play tempest Decks for another reason than make "The Ethernal".
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Well, you play Noz mages, so we all know that you hate having to work for the win. j/k
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can't wait for the "(insert new card name) is OP thread"
Never lost a fair game... or played one.
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Can't remember the last update we had that included impactful cards. Courts maybe?
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Items have soul.....
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Items have soul.....
Doesn't have a real impact. Cartel is speaking of useful and steady game mechanics that are actually competative.
The first. The best. MSN.
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Come on! Items have a soul was a really big sorprise! If u dont believe me look at those decks who has an anatema, or maybe the best example the last trophy I used Hom chai`s deck and battled with the full kotoba and zil decks and my states was 96 victories, 13 lost and 1 only draw...so if items have a soul isnt a big card, the full decks are too bad! and Im lvl 16 so I wasnt fight against lvl 5 o 6 decks!
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