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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 13-11-2010 01:01:33

Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 52

Dragon Deck 3.0

Defense was not cutting it in the past 2 versions of my D. Deck. Here is the latest version that places a larger emphasis on attack.

Draconian Sword x3
Dragon's Wit x3
Solar's Anger x3
All is fair in love... x2
...and War. x2
Dragon Armor x2
Finish Him!
Magic Attack
The best defense...

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#2 13-11-2010 05:03:47

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Dragon Deck 3.0

You already have a deck discussing your deck. If you have modifications in it, just update your previous thread.

Locking 3.0

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