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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 28-10-2010 06:01:44

Elf King
Inscription : 16-10-2010
Messages : 31


What are the special rules regarding Courtesan cards? I just had a Fireball played on me by a male Courtesan who's class was a warrior. Is this a glitch? If not...don't you think spell playing Courtesan warriors are wee bit overpowered?

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#2 28-10-2010 06:33:26

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-10-2010
Messages : 201

Re : Courtesans

I guess it was Lord Galmara.
In his higher evolution he is a guemelite of fire, so he can cast fire spells.

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#3 28-10-2010 06:59:40

Inscription : 28-09-2010
Messages : 98

Re : Courtesans

yeah, surely galmara the white. guemelites can do that. puuuhhhleeezzz will people already stop saying courtesans are overpowered. they will lose they're shine at some time.

hell is when you drew 3 arcaniums at round 1

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#4 28-10-2010 08:18:02

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Courtesans

Elf King a écrit :

What are the special rules regarding Courtesan cards? I just had a Fireball played on me by a male Courtesan who's class was a warrior. Is this a glitch? If not...don't you think spell playing Courtesan warriors are wee bit overpowered?

It is a racial effect. There is a certain race in game called Guemilites. This race is always associated with a specific element, such as fire, shadow, nature, etc... These race can cast spell cards of their respective elements. Lord Galmara has a Fire Geumilite version which lets him cast fire spells such as Fireball. smile

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