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#1 03-10-2010 22:08:23

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 03-10-2010
Messages : 7

I was stuck...

Today, while I was fighting on Facebook in the training rooms (and what's worst, I was winning), at a certain point the game seemingly stuck (but was not ffrozen...). It was my opponent's turn to chose the characters and he did nothing for about one hour, then I've received the message that I was disconnected from the server... I assume I've lost both the battle and fair-play points. I don't know if it was my opponent who just did nothing (but then, why after so much time I've not had victory?) or if the game was stuck on my PC. My connection was still fine and I was able to see enlarged cards and writings pop-ups when moving the mouse on the various points of the screen. The hourglass was as well "working". What's the reason for this, is it my computer or my opponent's fault? Have I been penalized for this? (as if losing an almost won battle isn't enough...) Thanks in advance for replies.

P.S. I've found the statistics (sorry, I'm new to this game) and that battle is not shown, so no one won or lost it, seemingly... Does this mean my fair-play is safe too?

Dernière modification par Exhululath (03-10-2010 22:14:42)

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#2 21-10-2010 10:27:46

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : I was stuck...

Most probably, if it was not 'counted' to any of your trophies and game totals, it means you guys both got disconnected. The game is odd like that as it sometimes DCs everyone at some odd hour of the day.

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#3 26-10-2010 22:00:41

King Kirby
Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 26-10-2010
Messages : 5

Re : I was stuck...

This has happened to me multiple times and it does count as a loss every time. I look at my trophies afterwards and have lost all of my straight victories every time this happens.... very frustrating.

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#4 27-10-2010 02:55:58

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : I was stuck...

King Kirby a écrit :

This has happened to me multiple times and it does count as a loss every time. I look at my trophies afterwards and have lost all of my straight victories every time this happens.... very frustrating.

Are you sure it wasn't a D/C from your side? I have been thrown off the server once while I was going for Archon (had 43 points already) and when I came back on after I still had them.

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