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#1 25-10-2010 19:34:51

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Low cost Noz mages

After finnaly getting my Apostle to LV 3 (Thanks to event) I'm able to play my Noz mages (Apostle was needed for Pilkim lv 4). As I'm free player (more countries needs payment options) my version is low cost one.

Anriena (will change to Prophet after getting those 10000 crystals)

At max level Pilkim gets bonus on 1,3,5, so oponent will have to face at least one 4 spirit mage in first 3 rounds no mater what he chooses.

Arcanium x 1
Dragon armor x 2
Fireball x 1 (hey, I know I need at least 6, but it costs 15000)
freeze x 1
ice barrier x 2
iliusionary reflection x 3
Lightning bolts lv1 x 2 (again, the cost of static charge is brutal, so no leveling)
Magic attack x 2
Mystic staff x 1 (with the number of "than the sword" and iliusionary reflection I have its better than leveled one)
Static charge x 1 (make it cheaper....)
sword of light x 1
than the sword x 3

Waiting for comments and sugestions.
mentioning anything that costs over 10000 crystals is considered ofencive (burn in hell is needed as 3 copies, so combined cost 15000, and it is offencive)

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#2 26-10-2010 02:09:31

Lieu : East. . . Always to the East
Inscription : 18-09-2010
Messages : 970

Re : Low cost Noz mages

almost looks like my first all mage deck (before I saw how much crystals are needed to upgrade lightning bolts and fireball:P).

Never lost a fair game... or played one.

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