
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 20-10-2010 05:33:30

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-10-2010
Messages : 17

Eredan Madness

For all those who want to know about us, here we are!!

We are the Madness, based in another game, and we enjoy both the game we were playing first, and Eredan!!

You may see us around the place, mostly in the Ambassador thread at the moment.

People have asked what guild we are, and one suggested we must be Zil cos we are insane, so here is where we will tell you what guild we use!

I use Kotoba!! (Trackers)

-Eredan Madness

-Eredan Madness

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#2 20-10-2010 07:31:10

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-10-2010
Messages : 14

Re : Eredan Madness

Haven't seen ya much otuside of that thread, but Hi XD

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#3 20-10-2010 10:20:31

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-10-2010
Messages : 17

Re : Eredan Madness

hi to you to.

You may not have seen us yet, but you will see us around occasionally smile

-Eredan Madness

-Eredan Madness

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#4 20-10-2010 10:25:57

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-10-2010
Messages : 13

Re : Eredan Madness

JarekMace4 a écrit :

Haven't seen ya much otuside of that thread, but Hi XD

no we are kinda new here (except Grave Lie) who is the one that got us all to start playing smile

im playing Kotoba warrior deck smile

-Eredan Madness

Winning isn't everything... It's the only thing!

-Eredan Madness

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#5 20-10-2010 13:26:57

Inscription : 25-09-2010
Messages : 28

Re : Eredan Madness

Welcome y'all mad urbanz, nice to see clinty people 'round.

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#6 20-10-2010 18:18:41

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-10-2010
Messages : 13

Re : Eredan Madness

Tankdave a écrit :

Welcome y'all mad urbanz, nice to see clinty people 'round.

hehe someone figured us out i see tongue

Winning isn't everything... It's the only thing!

-Eredan Madness

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#7 20-10-2010 18:24:37

Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 52

Re : Eredan Madness

Grave Lie? I thought your team name sounded familiar. I used to be part of ***biiiiipppp*** Madness as The Color Red. I quit THAT game because I got frustrated with it.

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#8 21-10-2010 07:47:12

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-10-2010
Messages : 17

Re : Eredan Madness

lol, well... some people actually recognise us.

It is a great game, as is this smile

-Eredan Madness

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#9 21-10-2010 08:45:55

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 21-10-2010
Messages : 6

Re : Eredan Madness

Must be nice ot have a guild full of friends like that. Makes me miss WoW lol.

Hors ligne

#10 21-10-2010 09:45:29

Inscription : 30-09-2010
Messages : 20

Re : Eredan Madness

Hello, everyone. I just wanted to say hi. tongue

"People lied when they said 'Nothing is impossible'... I do nothing everyday."

-Eredan Madness

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