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#1 08-10-2010 18:37:15

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 13

Mage deck advice

anrenya , allikish , pilkim


burn in hell x3
illusory reflection x 3
static charge x1
arcanium x 1
i hate brawlers x 2
lightning bolts (level 2) x 2
lightning bolts x1
fireball x 1
burn in hell x2


mystic staff x 2
grand staff x1
mirage cloak x1

Okay this deck is having trouble mainly against zill. need some advice on how to improve on this deck. Its played to gain sprit using staffs n cloak then attack but its not working too well

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#2 08-10-2010 21:06:34

Inscription : 13-09-2010
Messages : 32

Re : Mage deck advice

#1 if you're using pilkim, you might as well put in some draconion spells for the free defense boost
#2 probably too many aoe spells, you cant chain your defensive spells with be honest i usually prefer to cast lightning bolts or unleash hell on a mage/warrior like one of the witches or bomzar
#3 which version of alishk are you using? i'm going to assume it's the fire one based on your deck, but again..if you're using pilkim you might want to consider the draconion version for some synergy between them..throw in some last words/magic attack/than the sword's, maybe even a sword of light if you go that route
#4 consider changing the mirage cloak for a dragon's armor/molt if you're dying too often, the free heal+defense could come in handy

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#3 08-10-2010 22:03:09

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 165

Re : Mage deck advice

[card]ice barrier[/card]

With Anryena and Alishk you have a very low survival rate. I play Zil, and i could easily feast on your deck... Just kill Anryena first to get off that annoying defense bonus, and then Alishk, and Pilkim is left alone.

Build your defense with ice barriers and add a couple od Freeze! to defend against Kotoba and Zil using [Card]Dark Stone Heart[/card]

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#4 08-10-2010 23:36:26

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Mage deck advice

Drop both burn in hell, one staff and cloak, you got enough AoE and booster gear. Add dragon armor, ice barrier and at least one freeze

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#5 09-10-2010 10:29:26

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 13

Re : Mage deck advice

thanks for all the advice and i do think there is too many AOE in

and zuran i use fire alikish and the deck is more ov a spellslinger deck than draconic maby u think another mage instead ov pilkim i onlyu use him for the sprit +2 order bounus

also i have swaped the 2 i hate brawlers for win using magic

Dernière modification par DannyG (09-10-2010 10:40:04)

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#6 09-10-2010 12:06:34

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : Mage deck advice

I hate Brawlers! seems like a good fit at first but in practice it's better in witchblade and priest decks than in pure mage decks.

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#7 16-10-2010 14:34:26

Elf King
Inscription : 16-10-2010
Messages : 31

Re : Mage deck advice

I'd put in some crystal jewels, and trade pilkim and anreyna out for Aerounaut and Prophet. Aeronaut takes a while to level but level 4 rocks with prophet.

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