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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 12-10-2010 23:49:46

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 230

Flavor Text On A Card

This is pretty much directed at a Dev..  What are the limitations for writing on a card, and who do I have to contact about writing on a card.

.: I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar :.

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#2 13-10-2010 08:41:13

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

Re : Flavor Text On A Card

Hello Breezy,

Some card descriptions are very long so we avoid putting flavor text on them.

Other Flavor texts are directly related with the Eredan's storyline , so I avoid taking too much liberties.

I took some liberties on a few cards (especially the funny ones) as there was some specific inside jokes that only french people would understand.

I mainly based some flavor text on the actual illustration.

Anyhow, How can I help you?

Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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#3 13-10-2010 13:42:29

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 230

Re : Flavor Text On A Card

Just wanted to know what was able to be put on a card and if there were any cards that were out of the question.  How long do I have to decide on what card and what to write?  Obviously I won't take too long, but I'm going to have to take my time and think carefully.

Thanks for the quick response.

.: I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar :.

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#4 13-10-2010 15:39:34

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

Re : Flavor Text On A Card

Hello Breezy, the conditions are as followed: You can only pick a card with Short technical description on it with no flavor text (obviously).

Of course the flavor text cannot be completely out there if you know what I mean wink

I would like to congratulate you on winning the elo Tournament. I think you are the first US/eu english speaking player to win an elo tournament, gratz!

I think others should do the same actually! hint hint

So basically pick any card that doesn't contain much text.

This is the last time a player can select a flavor text (you're lucky!)

Once you are done, you can send me an email and I will do the transfer.


Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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