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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
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First of all: Hi guys! First post here.
Probably a noob question, but I'm having trouble figuring how to use Dark Stone Heart. I played it as the first card but still got hit by the enemy card 2 spell. Figured the Heart has to activate as other items. Then I checked the upgraded version and it returns every round. How would it work then? Can someone give me some pointers?
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Are you sure it was a spell? Dark stone heart doesn't work against thuergy.
There weren't many people playing Noz or mages when I was using Nehantic stone,so sadly I can't affirm what you're saying.
IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane
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Probably a few things:
1) It has to activate first before immunity
So say its thier turn to start, they play fireball, and another fireball, and you play the heart, what happens is the first FB resolves and hits, then the heart, then the last fireball tries to hit and fails.
2) Numbers still show on immunities.
That second FB still shows -6 HP, you just don't lose them.
Nehantic stone is a tossup whether its better than DSH or not. I personally like to leave it on a hero instead of spamming it versus mages, simply because you can't chain the heart with anything.
So if your facing Noz with 8 bajillion defence points, its hard to damage them without assasination etc. which means no stone....
If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?
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2) Numbers still show on immunities.
Must be that. Saw the red numbers, didn't stopped to loom at the really important number.
Nehantic stone is a tossup whether its better than DSH or not. I personally like to leave it on a hero instead of spamming it versus mages, simply because you can't chain the heart with anything.
I supose you could chain it in using Fly of the Handle (or something, can't remember the name right now) on a Pack deck, but don't look efficiente. Any other possibility?
Thanks for the info.
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He means that you can't use it first and chain something behind it. Using it second is a waste. No intelligent player will use offensive spells in the second slot if they know you have the stone.
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Point taken. Thanks for the help.
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Hey Legonian!
I prefer DSH myself as well. Although Nehantic coming back to your hand makes it nice on the turns YOU have initiative, using it prevents you from playing other cards that might be useful. I prefer to just equip a DSH to my best fighter. At that point, the only spells worth worrying about are attack buffs, and that's when you flop the Magic Shields or Distractions (depending on init).
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Mages also have [card]Freeze![/card] to get rid of your DSH.
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Mages also have [card]Freeze![/card] to get rid of your DSH.
Just learned that the hard way. Funny: you would think that an item that gives you spell immunity would be immune to spells...
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"Immunity" only means immunity to damage unfortunately.
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also noticed earlier that you can't deflect the spell Magic Attack
should probably specify damage spell, not just non-aoe offensive
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