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#1 17-08-2010 18:35:06

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-08-2010
Messages : 172

Ridiculous Spirit scores

Im in the level 8-11 room, and I'm at level 10. Everyone's using Noz decks that pump up Spirit to silly levels, get an impenetrable defense up (with Ice Barriers and either Moira/Egal or items), then use Than the Sword and fire spells to win without any trouble. Some of them even have rank-3 Lightning Bolts, and that's an automatic turn 3 win. This seems crazy to be able to do by such an early stage in the game, and there's absolutely no way for a person who plays a reasonable amount to deal with it. I've begun to just quit when I come up against these decks, because there's no point in wasting my time playing it out.

I think something needs to be done about Noz's ability to generate so much spirit and use it for triple-duty (attack, defense and spellcasting) all on the same turn. Also, Than the Sword is simply ridiculous. If it granted an attack bonus equal to the difference in Spirit between the two characters, it would still be powerful, but it would have to be used strategically. As it is, it's granting +7 to attack, and then they cast a fireball right after it. Rank-2 characters are doing 20 damage per turn. That's silly.

Dernière modification par John_Snyder (17-08-2010 18:36:51)

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#2 17-08-2010 19:10:33

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-08-2010
Messages : 8

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

So far I've met only one other deck like mine.  with the high spirit and attack, but then again I'm almost lvl 10.

most of my spirit + stuff only takes affect the turn after though :\

I've met a couple people that use cards that bring the opponents spirit to 0.  Maybe this could help you?  Its called distraction or something.  Also there are a couple cards that can unequipped the opponent stuff.  I'm not sure what it's called and not sure if its affordable or not.

I'll have to look and confirm the names of those cards.

Edit1: Ok the card "Smash that wall!" is a card that lets you choose one item equipped by your opponent and send it to the discard pile (first upgrade, requirements Warrior or craftsmen). There is a second upgrade to this but, I don't see any difference between the first and second.

Edit2: The one that brings the opponents spirit to 0 is called Diversion (requires marauder and chains assassination)

Edit3: Earlier today I came up against someone with a ruin gauntlet, which increases your defense 2 and if your opponent plays a spell it increases your spirit by 2.

So far Diversion is the easiest to afford, and Smash that wall is something that you have to save of like 3,000 crystals or so in the market and ruin gauntlet I think I saw last for about 5,000.

Dernière modification par Bryce_Collett (17-08-2010 20:31:47)

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#3 17-08-2010 19:22:44

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 07-06-2010
Messages : 308

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

you can try those different cards/combo

[card]Diversion[/card] + [card]assassination[/card]

[card]dark stone heart[/card]

they are very useful against noz

John_Snyder a écrit :

As it is, it's granting +7 to attack, and then they cast a fireball right after it. Rank-2 characters are doing 20 damage per turn. That's silly.

this is a bit wrong, people have to chose between a basic attack or an attack by a spell, they cant be done on same time except by a two-classed character (but this one can only use 1 spell per turn)

when you use [card]than the sword[/card] + [card]fireball[/card], after the fireball the character will not attack on this turn. ("than the sword" is wasted)

Dernière modification par SDD (17-08-2010 20:24:47)

><)))_°> IRC Eredan <°_)))><

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#4 17-08-2010 19:36:12

Inscription : 29-05-2010
Messages : 634

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

I'am a french player so sry for my futures english mistakes

When you are between the lvl 10-12 the game become a little harder cause some player have more big card, like Lightning Bolts, which come form the market ( cause they spend money in it ) and you meet player lvl 12+.
So if you don't spend money this is a little hard cap, but like bryce and SDD say you must find some little combo to passing through this trouble.
Every player know that desagreement, keep it up and have fun wink

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#5 17-08-2010 20:34:09

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-08-2010
Messages : 8

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

John_Snyder wrote:

As it is, it's granting +7 to attack, and then they cast a fireball right after it. Rank-2 characters are doing 20 damage per turn. That's silly.

this is a bit wrong, people have to chose between a basic attack or an attack by a spell, they cant be done on same time except by a two-classed character (but this one can only use 1 spell per turn)

I use a deck that uses two-class characters and I use the strategy he talks about <:

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#6 17-08-2010 20:54:42

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 07-06-2010
Messages : 308

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

Bryce_Collett a écrit :

John_Snyder wrote:

As it is, it's granting +7 to attack, and then they cast a fireball right after it. Rank-2 characters are doing 20 damage per turn. That's silly.

this is a bit wrong, people have to chose between a basic attack or an attack by a spell, they cant be done on same time except by a two-classed character (but this one can only use 1 spell per turn)

I use a deck that uses two-class characters and I use the strategy he talks about <:

yes but you can't cast 2 spell on a time on your two-class characters if they aren't chain-able like [card]the pen is mightier...[/card] + [card]than the sword[/card] .
actually, he was talking about using [card]than the sword[/card] + [card]fireball[/card]

this combo can't be done on a two-classed.

Dernière modification par SDD (17-08-2010 20:56:27)

><)))_°> IRC Eredan <°_)))><

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#7 17-08-2010 22:16:06

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-08-2010
Messages : 8

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

mmm I see what your saying, guess I shouldn't be typing when I first wake up tongue

Dernière modification par Bryce_Collett (17-08-2010 22:41:22)

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#8 18-08-2010 05:51:04

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-08-2010
Messages : 172

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

Yes, I was saying that, for instance, Anryena-Rank2 in the second round will have a spirit of 6, cast Mightier and Fireball, and do 20 damage to me. There is simply no way for me to kill her in one round unless I get lucky and draw my Assassination. Meanwhile, Moira/Egal are at 5 defense each.

I will try some of the counters you guys suggested, but so far this seems overpowered, and every day more and more people are using it.

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#9 18-08-2010 06:20:50

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-08-2010
Messages : 8

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

That I have done lol

We were thinking you used the pen and fire ball

I have also done that but, I've swapped out mightier than pen combo for more defense and spirit + actions/spells/equips

The Irony of what your talking about is that I just ran into a deck that has the same cast of characters and nearly the same cards.

The only difference was that I focused on raising spirit and defense, while lowering their defense.  They focused on raising their defense and spamming spells, since a lot of tank and attack decks have usually 0-2 spirit.

I won this fight because, well, he focused on using his Anryena for fast magic damage on Eglantyne(who has 1 spirit).  Though Anryena did manage to one hit Eglantyne, my other two had spirit had at least 1 of these equiped cloaks/dragon armor/crystal shelf/mystic staff/ice barrier.  By that time MY Anryena had about 4 spirit 4 defense and my Moira had like (not sure exact) 4 spirit and like 5 defense(7 if Anry was still alive)

Since my opponent started doing no damage no matter what they tried, I eventually wiped them all out with things like static/magic attack/light sword.

They tried to use "I hate brawlers" (increase defence +3) but I seemed to manage to use "Magic attack"(decrease defence to 0) right after they use it...

I do see how annoying it is to fight one of these decks, specially if you're a tank deck x_x

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#10 18-08-2010 09:58:40

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 07-06-2010
Messages : 308

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

if you really can't pass through the hight defence, there is another way to win a game by using those cards:
[card]treacherous[/card] (this one is very nice against hight spirit character)

><)))_°> IRC Eredan <°_)))><

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#11 18-08-2010 10:09:18

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 16-06-2010
Messages : 184

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

When you are playing low spirit characters, you can use the [card]Parchemin d'esprit tordu[/card]. (sorry I don't known the english name).

This card set the spirit of the 2 players to 2. better defence to speel and less opponent power.

The Kotoban can play the [card]Randori[/card] card to gain +2 spirit and chain on another card.

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#12 19-08-2010 14:26:15

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-08-2010
Messages : 172

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

I just got the Dark Stone Heart, and it is AMAZING! Stops those decks dead, as long as I get it early enough! With a couple of Distractions in as well, I am doing much better.

Question - the Spirit score doesn't seem to affect "Unleash Hell"'s effect. I sent my enemies' Spirit to 0 with a Distraction, but it still went off and killed my two out-of-game characters. Any success with stopping this card?

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#13 19-08-2010 14:27:36

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-08-2010
Messages : 172

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

By the way, have you guys noticed that Static, Fireballs, and their evolutions have gone through the roof in the marketplace? This definitely appears to be the metagame of choice right now.

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#14 19-08-2010 14:32:33

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

[card]Unleash Hell[/card] deals damages regardless to the spirit of caster.
This is why distraction is useless on it.
There is a couple of spells (or healings) that doesn't involve spirit.
The only way to counter Unleash Hell, is to use the [card]counterspell[/card] card  or boosting the spirit of all the characters

The attacks spells have alvays been very expensive in the marketplace.

Dernière modification par Zurga (19-08-2010 14:35:22)

Collectionneur de cartes

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#15 19-08-2010 23:36:33

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-08-2010
Messages : 172

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

Yeah, they have - but fireballs have gone up to 12,000. For an uncommon! Crazy.

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#16 20-08-2010 01:07:57

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 07-06-2010
Messages : 308

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

John_Snyder a écrit :

Yeah, they have - but fireballs have gone up to 12,000. For an uncommon! Crazy.

there is a free one on the noz's starter

><)))_°> IRC Eredan <°_)))><

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#17 28-08-2010 05:32:28

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

Well everyone knows that past level 10 the game goes from "better players win" to "those who spend the most money win."


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#18 02-09-2010 07:22:08

Inscription : 01-09-2010
Messages : 37

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

Damm i'm level 9 and have no money, i think i'm gonna quit until i can buy some feez.
And i have the same idea with my NOZ deck, if i know that this strategy was so used i would change my cards

Fear is your enemy were Greed is not

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#19 02-09-2010 08:13:39

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-08-2010
Messages : 172

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

It's gotten less common as people have gotten more familiar with the system. There are actually a decent number of cards that protect against magic.

Fireballs are more popular than ever though! smile

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#20 03-09-2010 03:46:25

Inscription : 23-08-2010
Messages : 46

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

Fireballs are more popular than ever though!

Yeah, John. Did you really sell you Fireball for 20000?

I hope not... roll

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#21 03-09-2010 06:18:19

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-08-2010
Messages : 172

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

Nope. sad  Its my only one, so I thought I'd jump on while they were nuts in case people were actually paying that much. Apparently, they aren't. smile

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#22 07-09-2010 12:58:45

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 434

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

I am trying to counter them with Bomzar + Scroll of Frailty + Self-Confidence. Most of the time they run out of ... Then the sword but sadly they still have spell cards to ruin my life with big_smile

"Of course they don't want that (adding more crystals to the game) to happen, because then the outrageous card prices would drop"

So MUCH stupidity in one sentence xD

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#23 07-09-2010 17:47:29

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

You just have to take out their mages early.  Hit em fast and hard.


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#24 07-09-2010 17:53:40

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 434

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

It depends on the deck .. I am trying to build the same insanely high spirit deck big_smile but I just love the golem ;(. If you can't One Hit them (personal experience from both sides, as defender and attacker) you are pretty much screwed.

"Of course they don't want that (adding more crystals to the game) to happen, because then the outrageous card prices would drop"

So MUCH stupidity in one sentence xD

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#25 07-09-2010 18:06:28

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Ridiculous Spirit scores

But if you don't one hit them, they're still pretty beat up, and chances are you will also survive the first turn.  So, next turn, depending on order, you should be able to take out that character, most likely at the expense of your own character.  Hope you can deal more damage!


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