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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
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1) The only cards elligible to sale are those from the boosters. (not the starting decks nor the cards you can buy at the store)
2) To sell a card, you must have bought a booster at least 3 weeks earlier.
3) When you put a card up for sell at the market, there's a one-hour delay before it can be seen there.
4) If the card is not sold after 48h, it will automatically be removed from the market and you will receive a notification via a private message.
5) A 10% tax will be deducted from the price you sell your card for. This means that if you sell a card for 100 cristals, you will only get 90 cristals. Once one of your cards is sold you will receive a notification via a private message.
6) These rules are not going to change.
7) An other way of selling cards (to a non-playing character for example) is under consideration. Don't ask when or how it will work because as said it's "under consideration" for now.
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I don't really understand point 2. Is it that if I bought my last booster 3 weeks ans one day earlier, I can't sell card at the marketplace anymore?
Also for point 7): What is a "non playing character"?
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when you buy a booster, since this moment, you can sell your cards for 3 weeks, after this 3 weeks you should buy a new one to sell again.
about PNC, they aren't available atm
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Ah, ok, thx.
Regarding the NPCs, I knew that they are not in game (yet?), but I did not get the concept. I think, I understand now though. You mean something like a "store" to sell your cards for a fixed price, right?! If so, I don't like the idea!
It would "flood" the market with cristals a bit, raising the market prices slightly - I don't think, the effect would be too heavy though, and buying a booster with (almost) only cards in it that neither sell well, nor are needed by oneself, would not feel so frustrating anymore.
The really dangerous side to it, would be, that rich players (I'm talking about real money in this case) would get a "tool" to completely destroy the market, because they get the option to buy cards from the market with real money only without the need to give cards to the market back themselves. Some cards then would become only affordable to rich people (which is already the case in some sense).
But I am not an economist, and you probably know what you're doing better than me anyways.
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They need to reword the message from "When you purchase feez" to "When you Purchase a pack" then. Because the current message states that you should be able to sell when you "purchase feez from the bank" not "buy a booster from the store".
IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane
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I understand the whole system with the boosters and the market and it used to be reliable, but why am I having a problem with not being able to sell any cards on the market even though I've brought boosters within the last 3 weeks?
It has been a problem for the last month or so, at first I just dismissed it and figured it'd be fixed before long but I've brought boosters since then and still can't sell cards.
This is getting rather annoying as I now have quite a number of cards I'm not likely to use in my deck and could really use the crystals from selling them to get certain cards I do want in my deck.
Has anyone else had the same problem?
Does anyone know how to fix it? if not then is there anyway the staff could add a copy of ergue or a couple of fist blades into my deck (or both) as these are the main cards I'm looking to buy atm from there I should be able to simply earn the crystals I need for any other cards I'm after.
(btw in game my name shows up as Ben_Jeffrey not as xyrgen)
Dernière modification par xyrgen (20-12-2010 17:48:34)
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no complaints about the system really...an npc store would be awesome. i think having an npc store and a p2p store would help players to get rid of cards nobody wants for a fair price and make cards like Ishaia (that i've been trying to accumulate enough crystals for going on 2 months now) more affordable. Also making level one characters available for crystals or legendaries for fee'z. ....still no decks for sale. mebbe a p2p deck store? random thoughts...
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no complaints about the system really...an npc store would be awesome. i think having an npc store and a p2p store would help players to get rid of cards nobody wants for a fair price and make cards like Ishaia (that i've been trying to accumulate enough crystals for going on 2 months now) more affordable. Also making level one characters available for crystals or legendaries for fee'z. ....still no decks for sale. mebbe a p2p deck store? random thoughts...
Any news about the non-player market?
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I got a question(s).
I got fireball from the starting noz deck and fireball from adventure...
a) I buy fireball from market and combine it with one from starter - can I sell rain of death?
b) I buy fireball from market and combine it with one from adventure - can I sell rain of death?
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No, there is no way to make a sellable rain of death from an unsellable fireball.
Collectionneur de cartes
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Hi i am very new to this game and i wanted to know if anyone can tell me how to sell cards ? I visit the store there is no sell option.
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It is on market, you must have level 6 and have played 30 games.
Collectionneur de cartes
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