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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
From tomorrow onwards, the card release of August 8th, will not be available in the NewComer Booster.
Here is the list of cards concerned:
[card]Master Ma[/card], (and his two evolutions). Rare. Character. Kotoba. Warrior. Human. Spirit 1. Attack 6/8. Defense 3. Health points 12. Gain Chain if you play a Weapon. Your Warriors gain Attack +2 until the end of the game, the first time Master Ma plays a Weapon. Turns 1 and 6: Defense +1.
[card]Concentrate the chakra[/card]. Rare. Action. Kotoba. Warrior. Spirit +2. Doubles the Defense bonus on your character. Chain Item or Action.
[card]Chi blow[/card]. Rare. Action. Kotoba. Warrior, Marauder. Attack +3. If your character has less than 8 Health points, the opposing character's Defense bonuses are ignored.
[card]Smash the spirit[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Kotoba. Duration 2 fights. As this card activates and at the start of the fight, the opposing character has Attack -1 and Defense for each Kotoba in play until the end of the turn.
[card]Elusive[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Kotoba. Marauder. Attack +2. Tracker: if your character's Attack is lower than the opposing character's, each card attached to the latter is placed in its owner's Deck.
[card]Ultrapower[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Kotoba. Warrior, Marauder. Attack +1/+4 and Defense +1.If the opposing character has no Attack nor Defense bonus, this card becomes Permanent. Chain Kotoba Item.
[card]Scrutinize the opponent[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Kotoba. Demon Hunter. If the opposing character is Human, your Attack equals his. Otherwise, your Spirit equals his.
[card]Like a leaf in the wind[/card]. Common. Action. Kotoba. Warrior. Defense +3. If your character has no Item attached to him, an additional Defense +2. Chain Item.
[card]Masamune's Armor[/card]. Common. Armor Item. Kotoba. Warrior. Permanent. Defense +2. Commune. As this card activates and at the start of the fight: Defense +2 until the end of the turn if your character has a Weapon attached to him or if your next card is a Weapon.
[card]Martial Arts manual[/card]. Common. Magic Book Item. Kotoba. Commune. One copy of this card per character only. Duration 4 turns. Each time a Kotoba Action activates, Attack +1 or Defense +1. Chain.
[card]Wrong note[/card]. Rare. Action. Courtesan. Spirit +1 for each one of your Unknown Class characters. Unknown Class: deals X direct damages to the opposing character where X equals your Spirit. Chain Item.
[card]You wouldn't dare...[/card] Rare. Action. Courtesan. The opposing character has the same Attack as you. Warrior: Either the next opposing Spell or the next opposing Action is ignored. Chain.
[card]Circle in A minor[/card]. Rare. Action. Courtesan. Duration 3 turns. Your characters have -1 to damages suffered for each one of your living Unknown Class characters. Chain if a "Circle in A minor" is in your Discard pile.
[card]Back light[/card]. Rare. Fire Spell. Noz: a card attached to the opponent is discarded. Zil: the opponent discards a card from his Hand and a card from his Discard pile is removed from the game. Pirate: +1 to the effects of this card.
[card]Propriety[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Courtesan. Duration: 3 turns. Noz: your characters have Spirit +1. Sap Heart: the opposing player draws one card less during the draw phases. Pirates: Chain.
[card]Old score[/card]. Uncommon. Scroll Item. Courtesan. Permanent. The opposing characters have +1 to direct damage suffered. If "Circle in A minor" is in play, either a "Sitar Hero", or a "Wrong note" or a "Cacophony" from your Discard pile is played.
[card]Encouragements[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Warrior. You deal no physical attacks this turn. Duration 2 fights. At the start of the fight, your Attack equals the sum of the Attacks of your living Courtesans.
[card]The Marquis[/card] (and his three evolutions). Common. Character. Noz, Pirates. Mage. Human. Courtesan. Spirit 2. Attack 2/5. Defense 1. Health points 12. Commune. +1 to Fire Spell magic damages (Non-AOE). Turns 2 and 6: Spirit +1.
[card]Honor duel[/card]. Common. Action. Warrior. Attack +1 and Defense +1 per Guild represented by the characters in battle. An additional Attack +2 if they have one in common. Courtesan: Chain. The opposing character's Weapons are placed in their owner's Hand.
[card]Arraignment[/card]. Common. Action. Courtesan. The opposing character has Spirit = 0. Mage: The opposing character suffers 1 direct damage, +2 if he has a Weapon attached to him. Chain.
No battle of the guilds
As the Council of the Guild has decided to send a new emissary that is, the Marquis, a truce has been promulgated. A new battle of the guilds will be launched with the next card release.
Enjoy the game!
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