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#1 15-09-2012 19:28:26

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 03-08-2011
Messages : 17

Got 68K to spend... Improve my Temple Guardians or ???

Hey, I've got a mostly functional Temple Guardian Deck running and am mainly wanting to play nomads, Kotoba and Mercenaries... So I'm wondering what if anything I should do with my 68k

Right now here's my Temple Guardians lineup (I also have 3 Litany and 2 Supplication that I can switch the Lamentations out for, am currently testing.

Vizier Mahamoud
Sakina, Priest of naptys

3 Basking in the sun
1 Desert Mask
3 Forced March
1 Guem Tear
3 Heal The Guardians
3 Lamentation of Sol'ra
1 Sandstorm
2 Solar Plastron
1 Soul Judgment
1 Travel Ration
3 Under the Sun

To be honest the Under the Sun don't seem to be helping much accept for speeding up adventure quests I would've won anyways...

On the off chance you're wondering, my general plan is to buff up Vizier, the four items I generally try to chain onto him as quick as possible. Desert Mask and Soul Judgment each chain and when possible I chain them into Travel Ration or Guem Tear.

If I get all 4 items equipped, most decks I run into have a pretty hard time killing him, especially with the remainder of my deck largely focusing on damage reduction and healing.

I'm thinking of going back to Litany/Supplication combo, as it seemed more effective for my current threesome, and also to a lesser extent because it gives me a little bit better chance against discard decks when they show up, as between the Solar Plastron and Litany/Supplication pulling each other out of discard I can generally withstand most if not all of their attempts.

Anyways, any advice would be appreciated, I'm primarily a free player (only put money into this game twice, one of which was at the beginning of this month) so having 68k crystals is something quite new to me (especially since I tend to lack the patience, or just slowly accumulate stuff piece by piece the way I did to make this deck for example.

Thanks again


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#2 15-09-2012 19:44:14

Lieu : C:\WINDOWS\system32
Inscription : 31-10-2010
Messages : 868

Re : Got 68K to spend... Improve my Temple Guardians or ???

try using [card]sandstorm[/card] on your vizir mahamoud, if you attache it on him T1 or T4, he gain +6 atk on his next match, and that til the and of the game.

Dernière modification par YAMAZAKARIA (15-09-2012 19:44:36)

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#3 15-09-2012 19:56:37

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : Got 68K to spend... Improve my Temple Guardians or ???

New Nomad release on Wednesday so I would wait a few more days before spending anything

Dernière modification par catcatcat (15-09-2012 19:58:35)

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#4 15-09-2012 19:59:49

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 03-08-2011
Messages : 17

Re : Got 68K to spend... Improve my Temple Guardians or ???

Thanks both for the advice, I probably will wait a few days now that it's been mentioned.

As for the Sandstorm comment, I do tend to do that in the Turn 1 Scenario in many situations. I just forgot to write that, sorry about that tongue

Dernière modification par Cg33852 (15-09-2012 20:01:24)

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#5 16-09-2012 17:27:23

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 03-08-2011
Messages : 17

Re : Got 68K to spend... Improve my Temple Guardians or ???

Slight update : Dropped the 3 Under The Suns as they weren't helping.

Replaced with Revival (mostly cuz I've been running into a lot of S.A.R.A.H.s recently and figure that might help out a bit.

Skyward Boots (If I get drawn out into a long fight, my Vizier who'll usually be the last one alive anyways Skyward Boots gives Vizier and whoever else happens to be alive on my side an extra defense point each turn)

And Theibrak's(forgot how to spell this already) Secret figuring the boost in defense bonus is a nice enough boost, and I seem to often draw the exact opposite of how I'd like to in many given situations, so basically it's a nice temp defense boost and a basic redraw when I feel I need it.

-Chris G.

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#6 19-09-2012 10:04:47

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Got 68K to spend... Improve my Temple Guardians or ???

Cg33852 a écrit :

Slight update : Dropped the 3 Under The Suns as they weren't helping.

Replaced with Revival (mostly cuz I've been running into a lot of S.A.R.A.H.s recently and figure that might help out a bit.

Skyward Boots (If I get drawn out into a long fight, my Vizier who'll usually be the last one alive anyways Skyward Boots gives Vizier and whoever else happens to be alive on my side an extra defense point each turn)

And Theibrak's(forgot how to spell this already) Secret figuring the boost in defense bonus is a nice enough boost, and I seem to often draw the exact opposite of how I'd like to in many given situations, so basically it's a nice temp defense boost and a basic redraw when I feel I need it.

-Chris G.

You can always use [card]Shifting Sand[/card] against S.A.R.A.H's recycling ability.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#7 19-09-2012 15:48:57

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 03-08-2011
Messages : 17

Re : Got 68K to spend... Improve my Temple Guardians or ???

True enough about shifting sands, but nevertheless I still need to get all those items herself and her minions keep placing on her haha, powers her up to be both one of the things that can kill my Vizier when he's fully/mostly set up AND something that's extremely difficult for me to kill as well haha.


So, the new release is out, I've given a really quick look at the cards but will have to give them a second look when I'm more awake and functional mentally speaking lol (Neeedddd.... cofffffeeeee lol)

Any suggestions?

Personally I'm leaning towards mostly leaving the deck the way it is for now, and using what's now become just under 90k to build a good deck for farming/advancing in adventure mode.

I like my Temple Guardians in non-ELO PvP (hah, I play'em in ELO too anyways, but I never really amount to anything, 'cept that one time I semi-flukishly made it to a little over 1700 lol (Yay for running into Compendium and Sap Heart Quick Draw Decks lol)) and in Adventure Mode they do ok on some things (Was farming the Sap Heart Boss for a while for example with probably about 80% success rate)

But it'd be nice to expand my horizons in that respect a little bit....

Just from skimming forums, Avalonians seem to be pretty cool for at least advancing in adventuring, not really sure about bosses particularly though.

Anyone have any suggestions on my Temple Guardians Deck, or what Kotoba/Mercenary/Nomad deck should be my next pursuit for bettering myself in adventure mode?

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#8 20-09-2012 03:10:43

Lieu : Malaysia
Inscription : 18-07-2012
Messages : 66
Site Web

Re : Got 68K to spend... Improve my Temple Guardians or ???

Avalonian queen + craftsmen is something good to invest for adventure mode. Alot of bosses require buffing characters like Queen or SARAH. Usually, I use Queen deck to fight Saps boss and several levels of Lost Tower, Pirate maras to fight Noz and Kot boss.

I'm on deviantart too. Freelancer.

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#9 20-09-2012 15:42:13

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 03-08-2011
Messages : 17

Re : Got 68K to spend... Improve my Temple Guardians or ???

Thanks for the tip.

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