
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 07-09-2012 18:04:02

Inscription : 02-07-2011
Messages : 760

This means War (?)

There have been hacking problems lately and i know of players that got their stuff back. I´ll say it again i´m not less of a player and i better get my Solaris back to (3 of them). Don´t come with that ticket answer because it ended up in nothing and 3 months have passed.

No good... No evil... Just a Judge

It´s all about Mastery!

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#2 07-09-2012 18:07:08

Modérateur Eredan
Lieu : Austria
Inscription : 25-07-2011
Messages : 1 208
Site Web

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#3 07-09-2012 18:23:00

Inscription : 02-07-2011
Messages : 760

Re : This means War (?)

Then this post became invalid... (?)

No good... No evil... Just a Judge

It´s all about Mastery!

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