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#1 02-09-2012 18:24:16

Inscription : 02-09-2012
Messages : 31

How should i continue with my compendium deck?

Hi there! I'm quite new to using compendiums and i thought i'd give it a try! So far my characters are:
The pythia, Aerouant, Alishk(draconic version), all maxed out!
I'm about lvl 13 and the rest of the deck is quite decent, for the moment i don't have any major problems.
My question is: should i save my crystals so i can buy archmage anryena and swap hew with Alishk, or should i buy some better cards to strengthen my deck and when i'm at a higher lvl try to buy anryena?
Is there any other way i can get anryena and/or blanche of arcania( i'm not thinking about buying her cause her cost is quite high) other than buying them?(eg. from an adventure boss and if yes who?)?

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