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#1 13-08-2012 19:31:12

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : U.S.A.
Inscription : 12-04-2012
Messages : 244

The Three Clans

Kotori Kage
Toran the Regent

Assassination x2
Karukai tooth
Katamaru x2
Life Taker
Lurking In the Shadows
Makeshift Weapon
Return to Sender X3
Sens of Danger x3
The Art of Tracking x3
Time to Die

This deck is made almost exclusively out of card won from Adventure mode (exceptions being one Assassination from the Zil starter, Life taker from the learners Deck, Time to Die, and Kotori who I picked up from the Olympic event).

But it is to the point now where is seems functional, functional enough that I would invest in other cards.  What suggestions can you throw my way.

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#2 13-08-2012 22:02:48

deadmans days
Inscription : 10-06-2012
Messages : 49

Re : The Three Clans

look here
or at any tracker decks

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#3 14-08-2012 08:25:14

Inscription : 08-12-2011
Messages : 63

Re : The Three Clans

yes, you mostlikly have a tracker deck with toran in it ..

I have most fun with human trackers, while Hime would be part of a gumelite-tracker deck ... I always think that Himes artwork on the second.level card is much better then on the fully developed one.

yesterday I had the perfect tracker duell with my Human trackers including kototri against Guem-trackers with Kototri...

not so hard to win when your opponent uses a tracker deck with 35cards in it ^^
but funfact: he played To track down, and gave all my trackers the +1 attack buff as well wink

Dernière modification par hitomo (14-08-2012 08:44:50)

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