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#1 28-06-2012 19:27:24

Inscription : 06-04-2012
Messages : 23

The Ritual Adventure quests

How can someone do the entire set of 6 quests in under an hour?  I got to quest 5 and finished it, and had no more energy to finish.  To get 20 more energy, it would take 1 hr 40 min... Now that I've learned you only have 1 hour to finish this.... How can it be done?

The first 5 quests take 12 energy each.
The 6th takes 20 energy

Thats 80 energy.. I have 60

Other than buying energy, how can you finish this.

Is that the point.. To get you to buy energy?

Thanks for any response.

What was the topic of this post?  Before you wander off into some jibberish that provides nothing.. Think, and be respectful.

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#2 28-06-2012 19:32:32

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 09-01-2011
Messages : 260

Re : The Ritual Adventure quests

jphorton a écrit :

Is that the point.. To get you to buy energy?

Yes, that indeed is the point.

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#3 28-06-2012 20:02:17

Lieu : dans ton c**
Inscription : 04-09-2011
Messages : 3 741

Re : The Ritual Adventure quests

the point is: you buy energy and complete the trophy, you got 100% chance of looting thee reward immediatly.
if you don't buy energy, and you just farm the boss, it'll always drop after a certain amount of win (unknown), but you''l have to wait before getting the reward... (often around one or two weeks of farming...)

===============zil dagger FTW!!================

"-oh mon dieu! ils ont tués Kenny!"
"-espèce d'enfoirés!"

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