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#1 17-05-2012 01:48:30

Inscription : 07-01-2011
Messages : 54

possible trophy cards for an ice elf deck?

I'm looking into buying, and working towards a new trophy card for my ice elves. While i know [card]Artrezil's Heritage[/card] would be a good card to add, esp. with the [card]Ayir[/card] /[card]Ursyd[/card] /[card]Kokrem[/card]  (maybe [card]Yulven[/card]  instead of Ayir) combo. But would the old [card]Scheme[/card] trophy card also be a viable play?
It could be used to return cards like [card]Frozen Spirit[/card], [card] Northern Lights[/card], or [card]Amethyst Blizzard[/card] back to your hand for a little extra nastiness.

Dernière modification par Raeil (17-05-2012 01:52:06)

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#2 17-05-2012 01:55:40

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : possible trophy cards for an ice elf deck?

I think scheme is a waste of card space. just have copies of the cards that you mentioned. It's rare that games go on that much longer than 4-6 turns with ice elves anyway so you don't need to recycle cards. sentence and Dissidence are good toolbox cards to have as well if you do not have them

Dernière modification par soulst3al3r (17-05-2012 01:57:02)

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#3 17-05-2012 02:14:16

Inscription : 07-01-2011
Messages : 54

Re : possible trophy cards for an ice elf deck?

i'll look into getting those 2, i've been gone for a bit, lol. Dissidence looked like a good one too. Unfortunately i can only afford 1 atm, lol.
edit ~ I looked at the sentence trophy, i take this is possible via ice elf spells, and cards like [card]Icy Aura[/card]?

Dernière modification par Raeil (17-05-2012 02:17:50)

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#4 17-05-2012 02:39:01

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : possible trophy cards for an ice elf deck?

Raeil a écrit :

i'll look into getting those 2, i've been gone for a bit, lol. Dissidence looked like a good one too. Unfortunately i can only afford 1 atm, lol.
edit ~ I looked at the sentence trophy, i take this is possible via ice elf spells, and cards like [card]Icy Aura[/card]?

dissidence is good against any decks except ofr merc decks...sentence is good against a deck that incorporates lots of healing

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