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#1 09-05-2012 08:51:02

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 03-02-2012
Messages : 462

May 9th 2012 : Battle of the Guilds Results - Drawing of lots


Congratulations to the Runic Legion that wins this battle against the Pirates!

Thanks to this victory, the card the Temple of the goddess at stake in this battle is now affiliated to the Runic Legion.
Temple of the goddess.[/card] Rare. Action. Defense +1 et Spirit +3. If a card is attached to your character, draw an additional card during the next draw phase.Priest or Mage: Chain.


Here are the names of the valiant winners!

le_troll, dalz, tix101, yujiro, Popai, ChadBro33, Felipe_Molina_Molina, maximus29, Weriton_Petreca, Febus, Christophe_Danyaud, Angel_Lenin_Arce_Pazmiño, EuroHippy, marconn, Paweł_Filip, Verinen Himo, Jose_Flores_Paredes, 御意见无用, --X--, yacha

Enjoy the Game!

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