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#1 23-04-2012 03:49:02

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-04-2012
Messages : 3

need some advice for wild buds deck

Hi im still kinda new i think im playing this deck right but im open to options it just feels like if i dont get germination in my opening hand or win the roll to go first demon hunters zil abomination deck and the chalice,torment,ectasy decks just roll me i feel like im missing something any advice would be helpful my permenant elo is at 2100 but i cant seem to get past 1600 in tournements i know its noob to say this just confused if im just playing very poorly or if im doing ok

deck is
the hail maker lvl3
keizan lvl 3
eikytan lvl 3

germination x3
wild buds x3
doubling clay x3
rain dance x2
roots x3
vengful lilanas x3
unfortunate encounter x2
devouring swarm x1

I know banner is great in this deck its at 110k gems atm buying it soon but any other help i would be greatful for.


Dernière modification par zharadoom (23-04-2012 04:19:17)

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#2 23-04-2012 04:05:58

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-12-2011
Messages : 160

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

More toolbox, [card]clumsiness[/card], [card]dissidence[/card], etc

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#3 23-04-2012 04:20:18

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 19-04-2012
Messages : 3

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

ColdAvril a écrit :

More toolbox, [card]clumsiness[/card], [card]dissidence[/card], etc

so take out 1 vengful for one dissadance or cluminess i can try that

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#4 23-04-2012 14:07:34

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-09-2010
Messages : 211

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

zharadoom a écrit :
ColdAvril a écrit :

More toolbox, [card]clumsiness[/card], [card]dissidence[/card], etc

so take out 1 vengful for one dissadance or cluminess i can try that

Personally, I dont think thats a good idea. Since you're using 3 germinations and it gives you the free spell equip id keep 3 vengeful and 3 unfortunate encounters. After all, you want as many nature spells equipped as fast as possible before you start dropping buds. If your going to start swapping cards start with root. Germ already provides a root and with the rain dance you can get it back if necessary for more roots. You can discard cards if needed and get them back if you have a bad starting hand. And since you should be discarding to get to your buds anyway it all works quite well. Ive read through a few wild bud posts since i run a wild buds deck myself and ive noticed people like to bring an extra root or 2 to make sure they can lock out the opponent but in general i havent had a problem. I no longer bring extra roots. Thats where my toolbox space comes from. My base deck consists of 3 buds, 3 germs, 3 vengeful, 3 unfortunate, 3 clay and 2 rain dances. Leaves you with 3 spaces to customize. Grab a councilors banner when you can afford it and you still have 2 slots to play with. So if you want a clumsiness and a dissidence you have the space for it. Every few days I swith out the 2 extra cards to see if i can find an improvement. Naturally its your deck so these are just suggestions but just consider that.

Don't go into the jungle dressed like a banana if you don't like monkeys!

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#5 23-04-2012 14:18:30

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

[card]Quercus' Awakening[/card] FTW. Use it, love it.

I hafta disagree on having Root in there, as I use 2 but used to use three. 1 Rain Dance and 1 Devouring Swam (to get rid of Heart) is all you really need. That one Rain Dance saves you against [card]Terror[/card]-ist Nehants and Discard, who are gonna be too busy worrying about defending then actual discarding. Slap it on a character as soon as you can and watch them rage.

But Germination/Root/Quercus' Awakening should be staples in there, along with the cards Germination fetches. Doesn't leave a whole lot of room for variation, but it is what it is.

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#6 23-04-2012 15:05:18

Inscription : 22-10-2011
Messages : 72

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

id use [card]sliding[/card] instead of devouring swarm

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#7 23-04-2012 15:21:34

Inscription : 25-03-2012
Messages : 56

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

I find whisper annoying to fight against. So you can try it as well.

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#8 23-04-2012 20:00:24

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-03-2012
Messages : 237

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

Whisper may be annoying to fight against, but when up against a pure magic deck it becomes useless.

If you want to find me in game you will have to look for my real name.  Sap/Nomad/Zil user.

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#9 23-04-2012 20:01:48

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

pikadusk a écrit :

Whisper may be annoying to fight against, but when up against a pure magic deck it becomes useless.

+1, whisper also slows down the flow. Why would you play whisper once root is played and you ensured that most action cards your opponent can play is reduced to one?

Dernière modification par soulst3al3r (23-04-2012 20:02:36)

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#10 23-04-2012 20:12:38

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

elmariachi17 a écrit :

id use [card]sliding[/card] instead of devouring swarm

Sliding is worthless when they have 13 cards attached to themselves. Devouring Swarm lets you pick that Heart and toss it.

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#11 24-04-2012 17:11:29

Inscription : 08-11-2011
Messages : 79

Re : need some advice for wild buds deck

Ryken a écrit :
elmariachi17 a écrit :

id use [card]sliding[/card] instead of devouring swarm

Sliding is worthless when they have 13 cards attached to themselves. Devouring Swarm lets you pick that Heart and toss it.

yeah i agree Sliding is useless against golems and zil's (cause they alaways wear something) and both deck type 10/8 time will play Dark Devouring Swarm is much better when you need to remove some annoying item

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