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#1 06-04-2012 03:56:40

Inscription : 28-03-2012
Messages : 28

Question about pets


How do pets work? I'm assuming you use them as any other item and the character gets the corresponding stats. It doesn't count as an object, right? Does it count as an "attached card"? Can they be removed by the opponent at all? Also, can the stats you get from a pet be modified by effects and equipment once it's equipped? Are there pet related cards apart from [card]osmosis[/card] and [card]Affinity[/card]? 

Apologies if it's a noob question but at the moment I don't have many crystals to spare so I'd rather know these things before I buy any.

Bonus question: Are there cards that give you the order bonus other that [card]That's an order[/card] and [card]once upon a time[/card]? Haven't found any. I play Heart Sap and Noz if that makes any difference.

Thanks smile

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#2 06-04-2012 04:26:56

Lieu : dans ton c**
Inscription : 04-09-2011
Messages : 3 741

Re : Question about pets

a character can only have one pet.
if a character plays another pet, the first is replaced by the second one.

it stands as any permanent it can be discarded by [card]Clumsiness[/card] or [card]paranoia[/card] for exemple.

about ordres, i can only see [card]it is time[/card]

===============zil dagger FTW!!================

"-oh mon dieu! ils ont tués Kenny!"
"-espèce d'enfoirés!"

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#3 06-04-2012 04:35:34

Lieu : Montréal
Inscription : 07-07-2011
Messages : 566

Re : Question about pets


As far I know :

I'm assuming you use them as any other item and the character gets the corresponding stats.

There are not items, it works like others attached cards, you get the corresponding stat.

It doesn't count as an object, right?

Yes, it does not.

Does it count as an "attached card"?

Yes. But note that you can't have more than one familiar attached to you char.

Also, can the stats you get from a pet be modified by effects and equipment once it's equipped?

Yes. A base stat modification will keep previous bonuses but a "stat = X" card won't (like [card]Piguy[/card])

Can they be removed by the opponent at all?

They can be removed like any other attached cards.

Dernière modification par L3lf3 (06-04-2012 04:53:07)

L'esprit est la plus puissante des armes. L3lf3

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#4 06-04-2012 04:44:06

Inscription : 28-03-2012
Messages : 28

Re : Question about pets

Thanks big_smile

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#5 06-04-2012 04:54:31

Lieu : Montréal
Inscription : 07-07-2011
Messages : 566

Re : Question about pets

I just realize you mixed up your bonus question and so was Skadooosh and I answers.

Are there cards that give you the order bonus other that That's an order and once upon a time? Haven't found any. I play Heart Sap and Noz if that makes any difference.

You meant cards that give you the order bonus or card that instant activate items ?

Dernière modification par L3lf3 (06-04-2012 04:55:13)

L'esprit est la plus puissante des armes. L3lf3

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#6 06-04-2012 05:25:31

Inscription : 28-03-2012
Messages : 28

Re : Question about pets

I meant cards that give you the order bonus. To use with [card]Keep-the-Totems [/card]order bonus mostly.

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#7 06-04-2012 05:28:27

Inscription : 01-09-2011
Messages : 514

Re : Question about pets

skyward boots

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