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#1 02-04-2012 04:14:42

Inscription : 28-03-2012
Messages : 28

Which guild (other than Zil) is good for making an all marauder deck?

Hi! I'm still somewhat new to the game and right now my main guild is Sap Heart, so no marauders there. Still, once I can buy Feez again and/or get bored of Saps I plan to make a marauders deck, I got an unsellable [card]assassination[/card] and [card]Life Devourer[/card] just lying around waiting to get used. Didn't really like the Zil (the swarm of "The Pack" decks running around can have that effect) though so I'm looking for other not too pricey options.

Pirate's looking good, their characters aren't too expensive and they've got nifty looking marauder actions.

Maybe there are better options though? Any advice will be greatly appreciated big_smile

Dernière modification par Trout (02-04-2012 04:16:35)

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#2 02-04-2012 05:16:39

Inscription : 01-09-2011
Messages : 514

Re : Which guild (other than Zil) is good for making an all marauder deck?

pirate : narwhal and cricket are the expensive ones
Nehanists : Demon .
Mer : Mystic Slayer
Nomads : Eclipse
Noz : j/k
Kotoba : Trackers ( this one is the cheapest )

I suggest Trackers

Dernière modification par iQuit (02-04-2012 05:20:06)

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#3 02-04-2012 05:53:02

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 26-01-2011
Messages : 166

Re : Which guild (other than Zil) is good for making an all marauder deck?

Trackers are the cheapest, Eclipse are the most expensive (3 Solaris are very expensive, and Kariane alone is very expensive now also).

My favorite is by far Eclipse, I can usually beat all the other Marauder  decks listed above, however pirates are very strong and can really tear apart some decks if played well (just done have a ton of experience with them).

As for Nehantists, a strictly Marauder deck isnt as typical has a deck based with Marauder/Warriors...aka Torment and Azaram, this deck is also extremely expensive because you need 3 ecstasy

Noz technically does have a Marauder deck-Witchblades.  But again they are also mages and some warriors too.  The prefered Witchblades in my opinion are Naya, Yllana, and Anazra, this deck is affordable if you stray away from playing them as mages and more as marauders...using Secret Weapon and Neutralization....however they are very strong if you add Lightning Bolts lvl 3 and 3 Rain of Deaths, but then they too become extremely expensive.

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