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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
The whole idea started cause, I've been wanting to play the fallen in playable-winning deck since his release.
So here it goes, I 've been trying this deck for 3 days in a row now...
1 loss ( from a godly opponent draw ) so far and straight wins..
I know it can be improved with some stuff, but it's all left to playtest.
( I 'm really bored to make links for the cards, so sorry )
Ardrakar - LVL4
The Fallen - LVL4
Nehantic Receptacle - LVL3
1x Black Chimera
1x Chalice, Nehantic Blade
1x Cursed Black Crown
1x Skull of an Azoriel
1x Break the first Chain
1x Break the second Chain
1x Break the third Chain
1x To the rescue!
1x Exordium
1x Eliminehantation
1x Contagion
3x Oveconfidence
1x My name is Legion
1x In the name of Nehant
2x Ecstasy
2x Dismemberment
It's been working REALLY smooth so far. The only changes i've been thinking of doing, but not tested yet, are
( -1 Contagion , + 1 My name is Legion ),
(-1 Dismemberment , + 1 Explosion )
and my 'in-my-mind-to-test-cards' are:
naginata ( for the fallen ), extinction, illumination, hibernation, offensive ( with the cursed black crown is fixed win ), agoraphobia, amnezy's pints, assault on bramamir ( next test is that one to be tested ), capture a karukai, cheksathet's vision, celebral crook, clumsiness , Brawl ( is going in for test after the assault on bramamir ), danger in delay ( my gut instinct tells me is gonna be a good addition ), penance, stone ritual, unexpected help, with evil intentions, war of the gods, without cover, winter spirits...
I know that these suggestions are pretty raw as materials, ( and ofcourse that there are a few others - i think i covered most of them ) and i am pretty sorry to post them like that, but they are exactly as they are in my head right now... CONFUSED, many choices and 20 slots only to test and play.
So enjoy, and please post any feedback, or comments on the deck, i would like to know your opinions guys!
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