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#1 07-03-2012 15:04:05

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 29-01-2012
Messages : 166

Mental Syphon Bug

it just skip and not active when im use it with my The Psycuirgist
and skip to end phase... This happen to me 2 times already in diferent match
Please fix this

IGN : Phoenix_Blue

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#2 07-03-2012 15:19:59

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Mental Syphon Bug

Did the opposite character activates his order out of his turn ?

Collectionneur de cartes

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#3 07-03-2012 15:47:06

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 29-01-2012
Messages : 166

Re : Mental Syphon Bug

im not sure. But if yes enemy only have bonus +att/def/spirit
this happen again 1 time just now
i think this happen only for Psycuirgist when i'm using mental syphon
that skip to end phase and my syphon not active

IGN : Phoenix_Blue

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#4 07-03-2012 16:16:32

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Mental Syphon Bug

In fact there is a bug where someone force is order and you want to interact with a card.

Collectionneur de cartes

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