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#1 07-02-2012 10:55:35

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-02-2012
Messages : 2

How to get new cards from adventure?

Hi all,

I'm pretty new to this game and I have a question:

Sometimes you obtain new cards while playing adventure. However, I'm not sure what is required to obtain them. Is it pure luck? Can you only get a new card at the final mission of a campaign? Do you have to finish the mission perfectly? Etc. etc.

I've read the FAQs and the wiki but I can't seem to find an answer to this question.

Any help is appreciated smile.

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#2 07-02-2012 11:21:12

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : How to get new cards from adventure?

random drops. But you typically get them from boss battles and special events like the phoenix adventure

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#3 07-02-2012 11:31:31

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-02-2012
Messages : 2

Re : How to get new cards from adventure?

Thanks for your response smile.

When you say "boss battles" do you mean the last mission in any campaign? And is the extra chance to get a new card big enough to make up for the added energy cost?

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#4 07-02-2012 12:03:03

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : How to get new cards from adventure?

There is chance to get any card I think, even cards from old events..

I just never seen someone drop a legendary.. But a lot of peole drop usefull rares..

I wish I could drop a Nehantic Shield..

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#5 07-02-2012 15:17:59

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : How to get new cards from adventure?

No legendary in adventure mode, as far as we know.

Collectionneur de cartes

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