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#1 28-01-2012 09:29:29

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 28-01-2012
Messages : 3

Disc court

Im trying to put together a disc court deck, and i need some pointers smile

[card]Councilor Ishaia[/card]
[card]Doyen Verace-Councilor[/card]
[card]Marlok the Repentant[/card]

1x [card]Break the second chain[/card]
2 x[card]Breaker[/card]
3 x[card]Ice barrier[/card]
3 x[card]Luminosity[/card]
1 x[card]Mental Siphon[/card]
3 x[card]Manipulation[/card]
2 x[card]Potion of Seduction[/card]
1 x[card]The prestige[/card]
3 x[card]Treacherous[/card]
1 x[card]The ball[/card]

I know i need [card]A new start[/card], but i cant afford that atm, so i will have to do without it.
My main problem atm is that i cant discard efectivly vs low spirit decks. What can i take out or add in order to make it more effective vs low spirit decks? Im thinking i will have to give up on some of my defensive cards, but thats alright tongue


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#2 28-01-2012 15:33:27

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 28-01-2012
Messages : 3

Re : Disc court

Forget this thred. i scrapped it.

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