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#1 12-01-2012 04:43:25

Inscription : 12-01-2012
Messages : 59

Question about "No cards left"

Deck: ca this 1st version Temple Guardian / Litany

I just completed it yesterday and it's quite a funny Deck esp against Discards with the Litany/Supp & Solar Plastrons but I'm wondering about a few things.

Situation: Supp comes with the last 2 Cards -> 5/0 (Hand/Deck) Cards. Equipped SP activates + playing Supp -> 4/5 Cards -> still Defeat because of lack of Cards...

In a thread (can't find it right now) someone explained that it depends on the Cards at the start of the fight.

But can't be!

Was playing against an IHAS a minute ago and he survived 3 rounds with only chaining [card]Watcher[/card] & IHAS, even when having only 3/1 at the start of the round.

Is there a glitch, a difference in the card effects or anthing else?

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#2 12-01-2012 11:04:04

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Question about "No cards left"

Well, you lose when you try to draw cards on the deck and there isn't any to do so.

The ihas guy had probally 5/1, so he uses Ihas and watcher and gets 3/1+1 (from watcher) and next turn he is back to 3/2 and when he draws he will be 5/0. And would be ok for another 2 turns, or forever as long as he played no cards..

You don't get marked for not having enough cards at the start of the fight, you get marked during draw phase if you don't have enough cards on your deck to draw to get the 5 cards limit.

There are cards who can shrink(hand denials decks) or increase that limit (emerald sword and few others).

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#3 12-01-2012 12:07:26

Inscription : 12-01-2012
Messages : 59

Re : Question about "No cards left"

First, thanks for the answer.
Maybe I saw sth wrong with the IHAS user, it was quite late already so lets just leave it at that.


Paladino.:RR:. a écrit :

Well, you lose when you try to draw cards on the deck and there isn't any to do so.
You don't get marked for not having enough cards at the start of the fight, you get marked during draw phase if you don't have enough cards on your deck to draw to get the 5 cards limit.

But isn't there sth strange with that then?

Sylph a écrit :

Situation: Supp comes with the last 2 Cards -> 5/0 (Hand/Deck) Cards -> Equipped SP activates (+2 Cards from the graveyard) + playing Supp (3x Litany comes from the Graveyard) -> 4/5 Cards (Hand/Deck) -> still Defeat because of lack of Cards...

Ofc, the numbers of cards are different, depending on the situation, but always enough to draw a full hand for another round and I still get defeated by this out-of-card-nonsense. And I didn't saw THIS wrong, it happend a few times already.

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#4 12-01-2012 12:42:20

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Question about "No cards left"

I never played Solar or Littany, so I'm not sure when the effect activates. But in the situation you described you shouldn't have lost to lack of cards if by the time you tried to draw you had the cards back in the deck...

Any chance that during the turn when you had 5/0 you should have draw 6 cards due to another card effect? Like Emerald Sword or something else?

Just keep in mind that, you don't lose for having 0 cards in your deck, but for trying to draw more cards than you have on your deck.

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