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#1 13-12-2011 17:39:18

Inscription : 22-10-2011
Messages : 72

Elmariachi presents... Demon Hunter mill/ heal

Hi guys. I got this idea using the new cards from the recent Kotoba update as well as using a concept from the merc mill decks of old. The basic concept is of the deck is to mill your opponents, while using the sick healing capabilities of the undead coupled with the near immortality of Yu Ling. Mind you, this deck is slow and expensive, but I honestly see some potential of it being top elo level. Hope you guys can give constructive feedback smile

Yu Ling


Key Cards:

[card]Mental Syphon[/card]
The key mill card in the deck. Usable only by Yu Ling, the deck functions by discarding the opponent's cards and reclaiming mental syphon using void, ANS and rosary of serenity.

[card]Rosary of Serenity[/card]
Great defensive card, it buys back Mental Syphon, the prestige and ANS for a never ending loop.

[card]A New Start[/card] and [card]The Hungry Void[/card]
No description needed.

[card]The Prestige[/card]
Removes pesky cards as well as helps with the milling

This deck benefits from a rich supply of undead heals and defense cards:

[card]Mysterious Aura[/card]
Enables crazy healing, if used with Yu Ling, she will heal 5 hp, +2 if the opp is a guem

A neat interaction with Nashi, sets up more heals

Very good card, considering everyone in the team is a warrior. Heals ( a recurring theme lol )

Yup, people will get annoyed with all the defensive cards and this will cause A LOT of rage quits.

I like this card ( since i got a foil smile ) Best used on either Yu Ling ( protects her while she uses Syphon ) or Nashi ( for heals )

[card]Skyward Boots[/card]
Id include one for nashi, since games will probably last for quite a while.

[card]Pray to spirits[/card]
Great toolbox card, removes threats like Shadow side, silly Lunations and DK crap, while removing stuff like corruptions and nature spells on your own dudes.
Imo a very well designed card.

Never leave home without it !

General Play
As per above, you need to mill using mental syphon and prestige, while keeping your own dudes alive. Of key importance is keeping Yu Ling and Nashi from getting one-shotted. Basically syphon for Yu Ling, mysterious aura +festivities for Gan'so , and Rosary of Serenity n skyward boots for Nashi. Other cards are basically determined based on the game itself.

Personally ive never tried this deck ( im not rich enough wink ) but i would appreciate it if someone who has the cards would challange me. Opinions greatly welcomed.

Dernière modification par elmariachi17 (13-12-2011 17:41:17)

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#2 13-12-2011 20:17:28

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 273

Re : Elmariachi presents... Demon Hunter mill/ heal

The issue with Mental Siphon is that your losing just as many cards as they are and since you want to keep certain cards your discarding even less.  You'd need a least one Maurader in there with a set of Theft also to make this work decently.

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#3 13-12-2011 20:21:08

Inscription : 22-10-2011
Messages : 72

Re : Elmariachi presents... Demon Hunter mill/ heal

agreed. however, im looking at at least 2 ANS for this deck since it is not a unique card, and it can be bought back by void and rosary.

A friend also pointed out that my deck is rather weak if the opponent has ANS as well. im thinking of using anathemize, but it also hurts my own deck. what do u guys think?

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#4 13-12-2011 21:14:36

Lieu : Dickes B, oben an der Spree
Inscription : 09-04-2011
Messages : 1 751

Re : Elmariachi presents... Demon Hunter mill/ heal

i think... let discard affairs remain in the hands of abysser...

Wash the spears... while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs low.
Wash the spears... who fears to die?
Wash the spears... no one I know!

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#5 13-12-2011 21:59:05

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 13-09-2011
Messages : 141

Re : Elmariachi presents... Demon Hunter mill/ heal

Nah, this could work. Not a fan of gan'so though.

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#6 13-12-2011 23:13:38

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-12-2011
Messages : 160

Re : Elmariachi presents... Demon Hunter mill/ heal

Hey it's interresting! Nice to see some original idea ^^

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#7 14-12-2011 04:36:39

Inscription : 23-12-2010
Messages : 469

Re : Elmariachi presents... Demon Hunter mill/ heal

i fought someone using the same premise a couple of days ago.  he had 2 ans and 1 hv but the chars were stone eater, yillith and i forgot his/her 3rd one

i killed the first 2 but I could never kill yillith since she kept healing and healing and healing and healing

i forgot the card but it healed all the damage dealt to you. 

the deck was good but it seems that way of winning is a bit boring, of course i wouldnt be able to try even if i wanted to because I dont have most of his/her cards since im poor.. big_smile

in any case, anything with 1 ans can already outlast most decks so having 2 would probably give you a good win rate so long as your chars live.. smile

i <3 ZIL
new telendar = fail, gimme a new one! tongue

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#8 14-12-2011 14:48:08

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Elmariachi presents... Demon Hunter mill/ heal

elmariachi17 a écrit :

agreed. however, im looking at at least 2 ANS for this deck since it is not a unique card, and it can be bought back by void and rosary.

A friend also pointed out that my deck is rather weak if the opponent has ANS as well. im thinking of using anathemize, but it also hurts my own deck. what do u guys think?

You could try shifting sand (the one that remove 5 cards from the adversary only).

I liked the concept of deck, I'm a big fun of Mill/control decks.  I might try, but it's something for 2012.

Caitlyn, the last character was probally Eternal.

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