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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
Pages : 1
Here is a decent idea for a Demon hunter deck I've been testing (currently 10 games in elo and at 1600+ rating)
Big One hit one kill potenial
Zatochi Cage(+1 damage to humans +1 spell to non)
Nashi (heals slef and Zayo on turns 3,4,5 / gives 2 att to Zato and 1 spirt to Yu)
Yu Ling (heals 2 from selfs undead +2 if gruemelite)
(meta game)
Fierece Lion (or Vanish for pro heal 2-4 Yu stall)
Danger in delay
Pray to spirts
(Core cards)
Break the First Chain
Evil Eye
Randori x 2
Integrity x 2
Katamaru x 3
Onijutsu x 2
Fire with Fire x 2 ( or swap one for Rain of Death)
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Pages : 1